FTC orders Razer to pay $1.1 million over “false” RGB face mask claims

The Federal Trade Commission has instructed Rzaer to reimburse customers for making false statements about the efficacy of its Zephyr face mask.

During the peak of the global health crisis in 2021, the Razer Zephyr face mask was launched. With high demand for reliable face masks, Razer saw an opportunity to cater to the gaming community by creating a mask with a unique aesthetic.

The Razer Zephyr, originally known as Project Hazel, was unveiled at CES in early 2021. While Razer is known for its promotional showcases at CES, the Zephyr face mask was the first to be released for consumer purchase in late 2021.

As stated by the FTC, Razer failed to include the necessary technology to support its advertising statements.

The FTC has requested that Razer reimburse consumers with a total of $1 million, citing false advertising as the reason. According to the FTC, Razer advertised the Zephyr mask as an N95-grade product without providing evidence to support this claim through testing.

Razer Zephyrus mask being worn by a man and woman

According to a press release from the FTC, the agency is seeking refunds totaling over $1.1 million for consumers who purchased the Zephyr face mask in the United States. Additionally, the FTC is requesting that Razer pay a civil penalty of $100,000 for making unsupported claims about the effectiveness of their health equipment.

“While the FTC made allegations against us, we maintain our disagreement and did not acknowledge any wrongdoing in the settlement. Our intention was never to deceive anyone and we decided to settle in order to avoid the distraction and upheaval of a legal battle. Our focus remains on creating exceptional products for gamers and we are committed to our community, constantly seeking new and innovative ways to deliver cutting-edge technology.”

The Razer Zephyr was created with the intention of providing a unique and original face-covering solution for the public. The FTC’s allegations against Razer pertained only to certain aspects of the claims made about the Zephyr. Razer took proactive measures over two years ago by informing customers that the Zephyr was not an N95 mask, halting sales, and issuing refunds to customers.

Despite Razer having discontinued the item and refunded customers due to the N95 claims, it is yet to be determined how the FTC will react.

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