Full Tier List of the Best Star Wars Unlimited Leaders

Choosing the right Star Wars Unlimited Leader is vital when building your deck and participating in friendly or competitive games. To assist you in making the right decision, we have ranked them from worst to best.

Leaders in Star Wars Unlimited are essential to your deck-building, serving as the foundation alongside your Base. They offer a crucial Aspect to build upon and a game-changing Ability to utilize. Choosing the right Leader is a crucial decision that will greatly impact your gameplay.

Are you wondering where to begin? How can you determine the best Leaders from the rest? With our team’s extensive experience, we are here to provide our rankings. Taking into account their competitive strength, versatility in deckbuilding, and their current standing in the ever-evolving meta with the release of Set 2 and anticipation for Set 3, we have ranked all Star Wars Unlimited Leaders from least to most powerful.

Expect this list to experience significant changes as more sets are released in the market. However, for the current moment, here is the ranking of 36 Leaders from the Spark of Rebellion and Shadows of the Galaxy sets.

Star Wars Unlimited Leader tier list

S Boba Fett (Collecting the Bounty), Sabine Wren, Director Krennic, Han Solo (Audacious Smuggler), Kylo Ren, Qi’Ra
A Grand Inquisitor, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine, Iden Versio, Darth Vader, Han Solo (Worth the Risk), Rey
B Leia Organa, Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Grand Moff Tarkin, Hera Syndulla, Chirtt Îmwe, The Mandalorian, Cad Bane, Fennec Shand, Boba Fett (Daimyo), Hondo Ohnaka, Bo-Katan Kryze, Bossk, Gar Saxon
C IG-88, Lando Calrissian, Doctor Aphra, Moff Gideon, Hunter, Jabba the Hutt, Finn

Our tiers explained

A brief summary of how each tier is divided is presented below:

  • The most skilled Leaders in the game who are adaptable and capable of performing well against a variety of opponents.
  • A: These are highly effective Leaders who excel in most situations.
  • B: Effective leaders who can excel with the right team, but may struggle to achieve consistent outcomes.
  • C: The leaders in the game are not the strongest and are more suitable for casual play rather than serious competition.

S-Tier Leaders in Star Wars Unlimited

Boba Fett

Star Wars Unlimited Boba Fett Leader card
  • When a hostile unit is removed from play: You have the option to use this Leader’s ability by exhausting it. If you choose to do so, you may ready a resource.
  • Epic Action: This Leader can be deployed if you have control of 5 or more resources.
  • When in play, this unit will ready up to 2 resources if an enemy unit leaves play during the phase in which it completes an attack.

Despite the presence of other strong Leaders in Star Wars Unlimited, it is widely accepted that Boba Fett reigns as the most formidable. His ability to utilize a vast amount of resources in a single turn gives him a significant advantage in almost any matchup, further solidifying his reputation as the top Leader.

Having a greater amount of resources at your disposal allows for a wider range of possibilities, giving you the advantage of being able to take numerous actions compared to your opponent. This advantage remains even after all cards have been played and all attacks have been carried out, as replenishing your resources enables you to prepare for another round of attacks in the next turn.

Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to counter this strategy that relies on abundant resources. While aggressively attacking Boba can sometimes work, it can also be met with resistance due to the wide range of options at their disposal. Alternatively, attempting to slow down the pace and maintain control can backfire as Boba is able to overwhelm the board with an excess of units that you may not be able to afford.

In the end, facing a Boba Leader in a game can be quite challenging. However, this does not mean that victory is impossible. In fact, his deck is well-matched against most others, making it a formidable opponent.

Sabine Wren

Star Wars Unlimited Sabine Leader card
  • Action [Exhaust]: Inflict 1 damage to all bases.
  • Epic Action: This Leader can be deployed if you have control of at least 4 resources.
  • While in play: (2/5) When attacking, deal 1 damage to every enemy base.

It was no surprise to anyone when Sabine was included near the top of the list, considering her early dominance in Star Wars Unlimited. As the most affordable Leader card currently available, she poses a formidable threat in aggro decks with her consistent ability to deal additional damage each turn.

Despite there being many leaders with aggression aspects in the game, none are as effective as Sabine. With the ability to quickly end games if she starts with the right cards in hand, it is nearly impossible for opponents to recover from the damage she deals. Her additional base damage is always present, making it challenging to defend against and eventually dwindling away the last remaining points of health.

Despite placing second on our list, Sabine is facing increased counters which have resulted in a decrease in her play rate overall. While she currently remains a top pick, it is likely that she will drop in popularity in the coming months, particularly with the rise of Kylo.

Director Krennic

Star Wars Unlimited Director Krennic Leader card
  • Constant Effect: Each friendly damaged unit gets +1/+0
  • If you have 5 or more resources under your control, you can deploy this Leader as an Epic Action.
  • While in play: (2/7) Heal 2 damage from your base whenever this unit attacks. Additionally, all friendly units that are currently damaged receive +1/+0.

Without a doubt, Krennic stands out as the top Vigilance Aspect Leader in Star Wars Unlimited. Additionally, he excels as a control-based Leader, focusing on longevity and enduring initial attacks from the enemy before launching a powerful counterattack.

The constant effect of being able to heal 2 health to your base every turn makes this strategy ideal for disrupting your opponent’s momentum with unexpected trades. While an extra point of damage may seem insignificant, it can make all the difference in the game. This ability becomes even more powerful when the Leader is deployed, making it a game-changer. With this slow-burn approach, early damage becomes less of a concern as you can easily restore it over time.

Despite the likelihood that Krennic may drop in the rankings over time, he remains one of the top choices for countering the prevalent aggro-heavy meta, solidifying his place in the S-Tier on our list. Additionally, Krennic was the chosen Leader in the TCG’s inaugural tournament in Poland.

Han Solo (Audacious Smuggler)

Star Wars Unlimited Han Solo Leader card
  • Action [Exhaust]: Choose a card from your hand and put it into play as a resource, readying it. At the beginning of your next action phase, destroy one of your owned resources.
  • Epic Action: This Leader can be deployed if you have 6 or more resources under your control.
  • While in play: (4/6) When attacking: Place the top card of your deck into play as a resource and ready it. At the beginning of the next action phase, remove a resource you control from the game.

It is not advisable to reveal the odds to him since the effectiveness of the Han Solo Leader card relies heavily on random chance. Although you have the power to choose which cards are added to the resource pool while in the Leader position, this is not the case during gameplay. When attacking, Han may discard your strongest card into the resource pool and defeat it in the subsequent phase.

Despite the aforementioned disadvantage, he remains an exceptional Leader when it comes to winning games through tempo. By strategically discarding a card to gain an immediate extra resource, you can bring out higher-cost cards a turn earlier, potentially even summoning Han on turn five. This can be a powerful surprise tactic that can catch your opponent off guard, making Han matchups a formidable challenge in Star Wars Unlimited.

Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren leader card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • Action [Exhaust & Discard a card from your hand]: Grant a unit +2/+0 until the end of this phase.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 4 or more resources.
  • When in play: (5/4) This unit gets -1/-0 for each card in your hand


Qi'ra Leader card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • Effect [Requires 1 Resource & Exhaust]: Inflict 2 damage to a friendly unit, then grant it a Shield token.
  • If you have control over 5 or more resources, you can deploy this Leader as an epic action.
  • When deployed, this unit heals all damage from each unit and deals damage to each unit equal to half its remaining HP, rounded down. During play, this ability has a Grit cost of 8.

A-Tier Leaders in Star Wars Unlimited


Star Wars Unlimited Chewbacca Leader card
  • Exhaust: Choose a unit from your hand with a cost of 3 or less and play it (paying its cost). The chosen unit gains Sentinel until the end of this phase.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 7 or more resources.
  • When this unit is in play with at least 2/9 and has the Sentinel ability, it prevents units in this arena from attacking your non-Sentinel units or your base. Additionally, it gains +1/+0 for each damage it has sustained.

Despite the early focus on aggro decks in the Star Wars Unlimited meta, it is crucial to have the ability to slow down the game and establish a strong position. This is why Chewbacca is ranked highly on our list, as his ability to constantly push enemy units away from your base is invaluable.

Using a low-cost Sentinel to halt an enemy’s progress can significantly shift the tide of the early game in your favor, eliminating any low-cost rush cards they may have on their side of the board. This ability is highly effective in the current meta, although it may not be as viable in the long run as new Sets are introduced.

Currently, Chewie is adored by all due to his impressive abilities. His impressive stats could potentially reach up to 10 attack power thanks to Grit, making him an even more formidable opponent.

Grand Inquisitor

Star Wars Unlimited Grand Inquisitor Leader card
  • Action [Exhaust]: Inflict 2 damage to a friendly unit with 3 or less power and then ready it.
  • Epic Action: This Leader can be deployed if you have control of 6 or more resources.
  • During play: (3/6) While attacking: You have the option to deal 1 damage to a different friendly unit with 3 or less power and ready it.

Despite the initial concern of damaging your own units, utilizing Grand Inquisitor’s powerful ability can quickly lead to overwhelming your opponent. One major advantage is the ability to double up on attacks by attacking with a unit, damaging it, readying it for another attack, and then attacking again. This strategy is particularly effective with late-game units.

One of the major advantages of Grand Inquisitor decks lies in utilizing cards that receive benefits from taking damage. Any units with Grit are significantly strengthened when they take damage, transforming even a weak ¼ Scout Bike Pursuer into a 4/1 with a complimentary Leader Action.

When deployed, this effect becomes even more controllable, reducing the damage from 3 to only 1. This allows you to prepare formidable units with minimal harm. It is a distinctive deck style in the early meta of Star Wars Unlimited, and should not be underestimated.

Emperor Palpatine

Star Wars Unlimited Emperor Palpatine Leader card
  • When paying 1 resource and defeating a friendly unit, deal 1 damage to a unit and draw a card.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have 8 or more resources under your control.
  • When activated, this ability allows the player to assume control of a non-leader unit that has sustained damage.
  • When in play, while attacking, you have the option to defeat a friendly unit. If you choose to do so, you may also deal damage to a unit and draw a card. This can only be done 4 out of 10 times.

As the ultimate Commander in Star Wars Unlimited, Papa Palpatine fully embodies the power of the dark side. His strategy involves playing multiple low-cost cards with ‘on death’ effects, utilizing his Leader ability every turn to maximize their benefits. This makes him an unquestionably formidable force in the game.

Specifically, the deaths of characters like Admiral Motti and Superlaser Technician can actually benefit you by increasing your resource count and allowing you to bring out more crucial units. And if the game goes on as long as you planned, summoning a 10-health Palpatine onto the battlefield can greatly improve your chances of victory. Additionally, you may even be able to seize control of a weakened enemy unit in the process.

Currently considered one of the top Leaders in the game, Emperor Palpatine is predicted to continue strengthening as new Sets are released, providing him with more options.

Luke Skywalker

Star Wars Unlimited Luke Skywalker Leader card
  • Action (Requires 1 resource & Exhaust): Grant a shield token to a Heroism unit that you have played this phase.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control over 6 or more resources.
  • While in play, when attacking with a (4/7) card, you have the option to grant a shield token to another unit.

Everyone receives a shield, including you. One of the most challenging deck types to face is one that consistently provides shields to its units, and no one excels at this more than Luke Skywalker.

With various playstyles available, this Leader has the option to prioritize controlling the pace, providing shields for easy elimination of opponent units, or aggressively attacking while bolstering your own units with shielded sentinels. Whichever strategy you choose, there is no denying the advantages of having Luke as your Leader.

An additional benefit in Star Wars Unlimited is the little-known fact that shields can be stacked. This means that in certain circumstances, it is possible to give R2-D2 multiple shields within the rules.

Darth Vader

Star Wars Unlimited Darth Vader Leader card
  • Action (Requires 1 resource & Exhaust): If you have played a Villainy card this turn, you may deal 1 damage to a unit and 1 damage to a base.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 7 or more resources.
  • During gameplay, when attacking, you have the option to deal 2 damage to a unit.

It’s no surprise that the most iconic villain in Star Wars is also one of the strongest Leaders in Star Wars Unlimited. With a focus on Villainy cards, Vader is able to strategically attack from a distance, gradually weakening enemy units and ultimately destroying their base.

What makes Darth even more appealing is his impressive stat line. Although reaching round seven is a challenging task, this is when the tides of the game can turn in your favor. Summoning a 5/8 minion for no cost is a significant advantage, especially since he has the ability to eliminate any opposing unit with only 2 health remaining. Paired with Vader’s Lightsaber, you have the potential to wipe out the entire enemy board in just one turn.

Iden Version

Star Wars Unlimited Iden Versio Leader card
  • Exhaust Action: If an enemy unit was defeated during this phase, your base heals 1 damage.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 6 or more resources.
  • When active on the field, this unit has 4/4 stats and is shielded. Whenever an opponent’s unit is eliminated, your base is healed for 1 damage.

Despite only appearing in one game, Iden Versio is quickly becoming a well-known and beloved character in the larger Star Wars universe. She is sure to gain even more recognition among Star Wars Unlimited players in the near future.

Versio was crafted with a focus on precise control, making it the perfect fit for a deliberate and strategic play style. Rather than rushing to attack, Versio encourages a trading approach at every opportunity and emphasizes the importance of maintaining the pace of the game. This Leader is particularly effective against aggressive deck types and is well-suited for the current meta, providing valuable support for Vigilance decks over extended periods of time.

Despite her strong qualifications, Versio’s position on our list is not higher due to her overlapping role with Director Krennic, who is arguably more skilled in fulfilling that role.

Han Solo (Worth The Risk)

Han Solo Leader card in Star Wars Unlimited Set 2
  • Action [Exhaust]: Play a unit from your hand, reducing its cost by 1. The played unit receives 2 damage.
  • Epic Action: This Leader can be deployed if you have control of 5 or more resources.
  • While in play, (3/6) allows you to take an Action to play a unit from your hand at a reduced cost of 1. However, this unit will also receive 2 damage.


Rey Leader card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • Activate [Spend 1 Resource & Exhaust]: Grant an Experience token to a unit with 2 or fewer power.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 6 or more resources.
  • While in play: (2/6 – Restore 3): During an attack: You have the option to grant an Experience token to a unit with a power of 2 or less.

B-Tier Leaders in Star Wars Unlimited

Chirrut Îmwe

Star Wars Unlimited Chirrut Leader card
  • Action [Exhaust]: Grant a unit +0/+2 for the duration of this phase.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you possess 5 or more resources.
  • When in play: (3/5) During the action phase, this unit cannot be defeated by having no remaining HP. (During the regroup phase, if this unit has no remaining HP, he will be defeated).

Though this Leader may seem impressive on paper, with its near-invincibility while deployed, it ultimately falls short in practice.

Starting with his regular Action, buffing a unit’s health has two significant drawbacks. Firstly, it requires the expenditure of an action to activate, resulting in a +2 health boost. However, this also gives your opponent the opportunity to strategize and respond before you can make an attack. Secondly, the buff is only temporary and will disappear at the end of a phase. This means that even if a unit survives an attack with the buff, it can still be eliminated when the action phase concludes.

Once deployed, this Leader’s value increases slightly, particularly as a Force unit, given the inclusion of Force-friendly cards in your deck. Their potential for causing damage is significant. However, it is important to correctly understand their effect. While they may survive an action phase, they will ultimately perish during the transition to the regroup phase, providing minimal additional value unless health can be restored promptly.

Hela Syndu

Star Wars Unlimited Hela Syndulla Leader card
  • Constant effect: You can play Spectre cards without being affected by the aspect penalty.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you possess 6 or more resources under your control.
  • When a Spectre card is in play with a (4/6) aspect, the aspect penalty is ignored. Additionally, when attacking, you have the option to give an Experience token to another unit.

Despite being ranked low on our list, Hela Syndulla’s potential is hindered by the limited number of Spectre cards available in Star Wars Unlimited. With only a few currently in existence, her impact is greatly constrained. However, this does not mean she cannot thrive in the future.

With the release of additional Sets and Spectre cards, Hela has the potential to excel and become one of the top Leaders in the game. However, currently there is little incentive to choose this specific Leader and construct a deck focused on Spectre cards.

Grand Moff Tarkin

Star Wars Unlimited Grand Moff Tarkin Leader card
  • Action (Requires 1 resource & Exhaust): Give an Experience token to an Imperial unit.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 5 or more resources.
  • When in play, this unit has the ability “On Attack: You may give an Experience token to another unit.”

Despite being a simple Leader, Grand Moff Tarkin heavily relies on Imperial cards. Fortunately, there are many options available. However, his basic effect only grants +1/+1 for 1 resource, making him overshadowed by Leaders with more powerful abilities.

Despite this, Tarkin can still be a valuable asset in mid-range control decks due to his strong 2/7 stat line. However, it is generally recommended to choose other Leaders with more impactful abilities.

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Star Wars Unlimited Grand Admiral Thrawn Leader card
  • Continuous effect: At the beginning of the action phase – Examine the top card of each player’s deck.
  • Action (Requires 1 resource & Exhausts): Expose the top card of a player’s deck. Exhaust a unit with a cost equal to or lower than the exposed card.
  • If you have 6 or more resources under your control, you can deploy this Leader as an Epic Action.
  • When in play, during an attack, you have the option to reveal the top card of a player’s deck. If the revealed card has a cost equal to or less than a unit, you can exhaust that unit.

In order to play Star Wars Unlimited, this Leader card requires a strategic mindset similar to Thrawn’s. While not a poor choice for a Leader, it may be overwhelming for beginners due to its intricate nature.

Having Thrawn in play on either side of the board adds an extra layer of strategy to each turn, which can be advantageous. The key to winning is to outmaneuver your opponent by utilizing the intel gathered with each passing turn, resource spent, and attack. This playstyle can be challenging to master, and with a limited selection of supporting cards, Thrawn remains more of a niche choice for those looking to have some fun rather than a highly competitive option.

Although this may hold true in individual one-on-one matches, Thrawn’s effectiveness greatly increases in the Twin Suns format when playing against multiple opponents. In this format, you have the ability to strategically choose which player to target.

Jyn Erso

Star Wars Unlimited Jyn Erso Leader card
  • Action [Exhaust]: Use a unit to attack. The defending unit’s power is reduced by -1/0 for this attack.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 6 or more resources.
  • When in play: (4/7) While a friendly unit is attacking, the defender gets -1/-0)

While Jyn is a strong candidate for a Cunning aspect Leader, her performance on the board may not meet expectations, particularly when compared to other similar heroes. However, she is still a viable choice and should not be completely disregarded, although there are undoubtedly superior options such as Leia.

The objective of using Jyn is to dominate the opposition by utilizing her debuff ability every turn to eliminate enemy units while simultaneously protecting your own. While this strategy can be advantageous in many scenarios, it is not a significant enough advantage to guarantee victory.

Cassian Andor

Star Wars Unlimited Cassian Andor Leader card
  • Effect (Requires 1 resource & Exhaust): If you have dealt 3 or more damage to an enemy base this turn, you may draw a card.
  • If you have control over 6 or more resources, you can deploy this Leader as part of an epic action.
  • While in play: (4/6) Saboteur (When this unit attacks, ignore Sentinel and defeat the defender’s Shields.) Whenever you inflict damage on an enemy base: You have the option to draw a card. This ability can only be used once per round.

In Star Wars Unlimited, Cassian Andor’s strategy is focused on swiftly overpowering the opponent. By utilizing an aggressive deck, the goal is to rapidly attack the opposing base and take advantage of Andor’s ability to draw cards, constantly inflicting damage.

If the game were to reach turn 6 and your opponent is attempting to regain control, that is when Andor’s 4 damage, which is capable of bypassing all defenses, becomes crucial in securing a victory.

Despite its strength and potential with the appropriate deck, this Leader card is overshadowed by a more dominant version of the same style. As Sabine continues to reign supreme in the meta with a notably similar deck, choosing Andor becomes less appealing in comparison.

Leia Organa

Star Wars Unlimited Leia Leader card
  • Action [Exhaust]: Initiate an attack with a Rebel unit. Then, you have the option to initiate an attack with another Rebel unit.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 5 or more resources.
  • While in play, Raid 1 (This unit gains +1/+0 while attacking). After this unit attacks, you may also choose to attack with another Rebel unit.

Leia is currently one of the top Command Leaders in Star Wars Unlimited, possessing an ability that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. With the ability to command two Rebel units to attack simultaneously without giving your opponent a chance to respond, Leia has the potential to shift the momentum in your favor.

At present, she remains a strong choice as a Leader, backed by a respectable set of stats. The main drawback lies in the limited selection of Rebel units available. When pairing with Aspect, you can only utilize six ground units and four space units. However, with the addition of a few more units from your base Aspect, you can still put up a formidable fight, though not as comprehensive as other potential strategies.

Expect Leia’s strength to increase in the upcoming months as additional cards are added to the pool. Whenever the Rebels are involved, she will be right there with them as their Leader.

The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian Leader Card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • Continuous Effect: Whenever you play an upgrade card: You have the option to exhaust this leader. If you choose to do so, you can also exhaust an enemy unit with 4 or less remaining HP.
  • Epic Action: This Leader can be deployed if you have control of 6 or more resources.
  • While in play: (4/7) When an upgrade is played: You have the option to exhaust an enemy unit with 6 or less remaining HP.


Cad Bane Leader card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • Continuous Effect: Whenever you play an Underworld card, you have the option to exhaust this leader. If you do, your opponent must select a unit they control to take 1 damage.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 6 or more resources.
  • While in play: (2/8 – Raid 2) Whenever you play an Underworld card: You have the option to select an opponent and have them choose one of their units to take 2 damage. This ability can only be used once per round.

Fennec Shand

Fennec Shand Leader card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • Action [Requires 1 Resource & Exhaustion]: Choose a unit with a cost of 4 or less from your hand and play it, paying its cost. During this phase, the unit gains Ambush.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control over 5 or more resources.
  • When the Saboteur is in play, you can play a unit from your hand that costs 4 or less by paying its cost. This unit will have Ambush for the current phase.

Boba Fett (Daimyo)

Boba Fett Leader card in Star Wars Unlimited Set 2
  • Continuous Effect: Whenever you play a unit with 1 or more keywords, you have the option to exhaust this leader. If you choose to do so, a friendly unit gains +1/+0 for the current phase.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 6 or more resources.
  • When in play, all other friendly units with at least 1 keyword gain +1/+0.

Hondo Ohnaka

Hondo leader card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • Continuous Effect: While using Smuggle: You have the option to exhaust this leader when playing a card. If you choose to do so, a unit will receive an Experience token.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control over 6 or more resources.
  • When a card is played using Smuggle while in play (3/7 – Raid 1), you have the option to grant an Experience token to a unit.

Bo-Katan Kryze

Bo-Katan Kryze Star Wars Unlimited Leader card
  • [Exhaust] Action: If you have attacked with a Mandalorian unit this phase, you may deal 1 damage to a unit.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have a total of 6 or more resources under your control.
  • When in play: (4/7) On Attack: You may deal 1 damage to a unit. If you attacked with another Mandalorian unit this phase, you may deal 1 damage to a unit. (The same unit or a different unit.)


Bossk leader card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • Action [Exhaust]: Inflict 1 damage to a unit with a Bounty. You have the option to grant it +1/+0 for the current phase.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of at least 5 resources.
  • While in play and when you collect a bounty, you may collect that bounty again. However, this ability can only be used once per round.

Gar Saxon

Gar Saxon leader card in Star Wars Unlimited Set 2
  • Each enhanced friendly unit receives a +1/+0 bonus.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 6 or more resources.
  • When in play: (4/7) Each friendly upgraded unit gets +1/+0 and gains: “When Defeated: You may return an upgrade that was attached to this unit to its owner’s hand.”

C-Tier Leaders in Star Wars Unlimited


Star Wars Unlimited IG-88 Leader card
  • Exhaust Action: Choose a unit to attack with. If you have more units than your opponent, the attacking unit gets +1/+0 for this attack.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 5 or more resources.
  • While in play: (5/4) Every friendly unit gains Raid 1 (+1/+0 while attacking) when attacking.

Despite being an experienced leader, IG-88 primarily relies on Aggression and Villainy Aspects, but falls short in comparison to other highly effective, rush-friendly leaders in the same category. Sabine, for example, outshines IG-88 in this regard.

The main focus in this game is strengthening units, but the effect of IG-88 is significantly restricted. Its regular Action can only be used if your board has more units than your opponent’s, and its effect is only active during attacks because of the Raid feature.

Despite being on the board, IG-88’s weak 5/4 stat line makes it vulnerable and highly susceptible to being destroyed, further complicating the situation.

Currently, there is not much motivation to choose IG-88 as a Leader for an aggressive deck compared to other options. However, there is a possibility for this Leader to receive some attention in upcoming Sets.

Lando Calrissian

Lando Calrissian leader card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • Exhaust: Use Smuggle to play a card. Its cost is reduced by 2. Defeat a resource that you currently own and have control of.
  • Epic Action: This Leader can be deployed if you control 4 or more resources.
  • While in play, you may use Smuggle to play a card at a reduced cost of 2. To activate this ability, you must defeat a resource that you own and control. However, this ability can only be used once per round.

Doctor Aphra

Doctor Aphra Leader card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • At the beginning of the regroup phase: Remove a card from your deck and place it in the discard pile.
  • Epic Action: This Leader can be deployed if you have control over 5 or more resources.
  • When this unit is in play, it gains +3/+0 if there are at least 5 different costs among cards in your discard pile. When this unit is deployed, you may choose 3 cards from your discard pile with different names. If you do, randomly return 1 of those cards to your hand.

Moff Gideon

Moff Gideon Leader Card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • Action [Exhaust]: Choose a unit with a cost of 3 or less and attack with it. If the chosen unit is attacking another unit, it gains +1/+0 for this attack.
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 5 or more resources.
  • When this card is in play, all friendly units with a cost of 3 or less gain +1/+0 and Overwhelm while attacking an enemy unit. (3/6 – Overwhelm)


Hunter Showcase card in Star Wars Unlimited
  • Action [Requires 1 Resource & Exhaust]: Choose a resource you have in play. If it has the same name as one of your unique units, return the resource to its owner’s hand and put the top card of your deck into play as a resource.
  • Epic Action: This Leader can be deployed if you have 7 or more resources under your control.
  • While in play: (5/8 – Overwhelm) When attacking: You have the option to reveal a resource you possess. If it has the same name as a friendly unique unit, return the resource to its owner’s hand and put the top card of your deck into play as a resource.

Jabba the Hutt

Jabba The Hutt Leader card in Star Wars Unlimited Set 2
  • Action [Exhaust]: Choose a unit. For this phase, it gains: “Bounty – The next unit you play this phase costs 1 less.”
  • Epic Action: Deploy this Leader if you have control of 7 or more resources.
  • When in play: (2/12) When Deployed: Another friendly unit captures an enemy non-leader unit. Action [Exhaust]: Choose a unit. For this phase, it gains: “Bounty – The next unit you play this phase costs 1 less.”

Finn’s Adventures in the Land of Ooo

Finn Leader card in Star Wars Unlimited Set 2
  • Exhaust Action: Choose a friendly unit with an upgrade. Defeat the upgrade and give that unit a Shield token.
  • Epic Action: This Leader can be deployed if you have control over 5 or more resources.
  • When in play, while attacking with a (4/6) power, you have the option to destroy a friendly upgrade on a unit. By doing so, you can grant a Shield token to that unit.

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