Funeral director finds ungodly blood clots in patients with COVID vaccines: “Humanity may be at stake”

In recent months, there have been claims circulating on social media suggesting a link between COVID-19 vaccines and an increase in abnormal blood clots.

These claims have gained traction due to the circulation of photos allegedly showing blood clots removed during the embalming procedures. They suggest a dangerous connection between the vaccines and abnormal clots. However, it’s important to critically examine such claims.

Recently, a funeral director and embalmer found ‘ungodly’ blood clots in patients who took the COVID-19 vaccine. He tweeted:

“I never claimed to be a doctor or scientist, I am an embalmer. I have been only sounding an alarm about what I am seeing! I can only say that this is not normal. In the 20 years prior to 2021 I never seen anything like this. Something is causing this, and I see it often.”

In another tweet, he responded to being warned about attacks by COVID-19 companies that make ‘billions of dollars’:

“Unfortunately I understand. However humanity may be at stake. I have to answer to God, may His will be done! I don’t want to sit by and do nothing. Especially when I know something isn’t right.”

“Unfortunately I understand. However humanity may be at stake. I have to answer to God, may His will be done! I don’t want to sit by and do nothing. Especially when I know something isn’t right.”

Examining claims of blood clots and COVID-19 vaccines

Potential link found between blood clots and vaccine (Image via Unsplash/Brano )
Potential link found between blood clots and vaccine (Image via Unsplash/Brano )

The embalmer expressed concern about the presence of blood clots in the human body following the vaccination. The embalmer, who clarified that he was not a doctor or scientist, emphasized that he observed something unusual in his 20 years of experience.

While his observation is worth considering, it’s important to rely on scientific evidence and expert opinions to understand the potential link between blood clots and COVID-19 vaccines.

It’s important to note that embalmer observations, while being valid within their area of expertise, cannot provide a definitive explanation for the presence of blood clots or their association with COVID-19 vaccines.

Embalming is a process that focuses on preservation, not detailed pathological examination. To accurately determine the cause and nature of blood clots, a proper autopsy is necessary. Without histological examination, it’s unreliable to draw conclusions based solely on the appearance of blood clots.

Covid vaccine and blood clotting

Speculation about COVID-19 vaccines continues. (Image via Unsplash/Ivan Diaz)
Speculation about COVID-19 vaccines continues. (Image via Unsplash/Ivan Diaz)

Many experts have found that people who get the virus have a higher risk of getting blood clots.

These clots can form in deep veins, especially in the lungs and big blood vessels, which can lead to serious health problems, like stroke and kidney failure.

Moreover, many believe that COVID-19 vaccine itself is the main culprit behind the blood clots rather than the vaccines, as COVID-19 has been found to cause blood clotting in many patients and has led to many deaths worldwide.

While the embalmer’s concerns are understandable, it’s important to rely on scientific evidence and expert analysis when examining the potential association between blood clots and COVID-19 vaccines.

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