G-Dragon Reflects on His Recent Appearance As Professor, KAIST Students Remind Me Of My Old Self

On June 17th, ELLE magazine unveiled new images of G-Dragon, who graced the cover of their July issue.

During the photoshoot, G-Dragon confidently posed in front of the camera while donning pieces from global luxury brand C’s 2023/24 Workshop Collection. His impeccable sense of style once again solidified his status as a fashion icon.

During the interview after the photo shoot, G-Dragon discussed his surprising role as a special professor at KAIST’s Department of Mechanical Engineering. He expressed his excitement and nerves about his first visit to the campus, stating that it was a completely new experience for him.


He remarked, “At KAIST, there is a community of individuals who are deeply passionate about their respective fields. Observing the students engrossed in their discussions, it brought back memories of my own youth when I would lose myself in solitude, exploring and experimenting in the practice room.”

Additionally, when inquired about his daily passions, G-Dragon, a multi-talented individual, expressed, “I have a tendency to be intrigued by various subjects rather than focusing on one specific area. As a creator and as a person, I have a yearning to take on new challenges instead of sticking to familiar ones. If a certain field is outside of my expertise, I am more than willing to seek the help of someone who is knowledgeable in that area. This allows for the production of higher quality results.”


G-Dragon shared the reason for his enduring collaboration with luxury brand C, stating, “I believe it’s because our relationship goes beyond work. Just as I have never viewed making music as a job, our partnership continues because it is built on a strong friendship. Being genuine always leads to success”, earning praise for his genuine approach.

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