Game-Breaking Bug in League of Legends Causes Teams to be Stuck in Matches for Hours

The League of Legends ARAM clash turned into a nightmare for certain players when a game-breaking bug caused their teams to become completely stuck in the mode for hours.

Despite its popularity, League of Legends is no stranger to bugs. These range from minor visual glitches to severe game-breaking problems that can greatly impact the gameplay experience of Riot’s popular MOBA. While some of these bugs may seem harmless, they can still result in the loss of LP for players.

However, the situation changes with Clash, the in-game tournament mode that offers players the option to purchase tickets for the chance to earn bigger rewards. This can potentially lead to losses, ultimately decreasing the overall rewards at the end of the tournament.

Despite the developers’ efforts to ensure smooth running tournaments, the most recent Clash weekend has posed as a challenge for them.

ARAM Clash is known to be an enjoyable event for players, providing a more relaxed atmosphere compared to the high-stakes competition on Summoner’s Rift. Premium tickets are available for purchase, allowing players to potentially earn incredible rewards by securing sufficient victories.

On September 1, however, every team that took part in the tournament found themselves immediately stuck in their first game. This was due to a severe bug that had emerged, rendering towers and objectives untargetable. As a result, players were unable to advance and defeat the enemy’s nexus, effectively halting any progress towards winning the game. In essence, there was no possible way for them to conclude the match.

A Rioter addressed the situation by stating that Clash had been cancelled for the day and that they were actively working on resolving the issue, but could not provide an estimated time for the fix. As a result, regions such as OCE, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam were unable to complete their matches.

While it may have been disappointing for those hoping to receive Clash rewards and leave, it was a different experience for players who enjoy trying out different item builds. Due to the games being unable to finish, they were eventually shut down seven hours after the initial start time, as noted by a tweet.

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