Game of Thrones fan complaints for upcoming spin-off series

Fans of Game of Thrones are eagerly anticipating the release of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, but they have expressed their worry about the duration of the season.

The upcoming spin-off series A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms has fans of the hit series Game of Thrones eagerly anticipating more time in Westeros. However, some are hesitant about the length of its first season.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the first season of Seven Kingdoms will consist of six episodes, deviating from the usual pattern as the main series and its current spin-off House of Dragon both premiered with a total of 10 episodes.

Despite the excitement from fans over the announcement, there were some who expressed concern that only six episodes would not provide enough time to fully explore George R.R. Martin’s work.

A fan tweeted, expressing their observation that the standard of 10 episodes, which was already short, seems to be getting even shorter. They questioned what could be the reason for this change.

One person stated, “We are stuck in a cycle of only having 6-8 episode seasons with these TV shows. We need longer seasons with 20 episodes.”Another individual expressed, “We demand 15 episodes, each with 48 minutes.”

Despite the concerns about the short length of the season, one fan cited a valid reason for the decision, stating “Although 6 episodes may seem insufficient, the source material for Hedge Knight is a short book. We have seen how other adaptations, such as The Hobbit, have been stretched into multiple mediocre films. I would rather see the story remain faithful to the book in a shorter time frame, rather than adding unnecessary elements that stray from GRRM’s original work.”

The initial installment of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is adapted from Martin’s prequel book The Hedge Night, which has a length of only 160 pages, in contrast to one of the 900-page books in the Game of Thrones series.

A more sensible approach would be to shorten the season and tighten the storyline, rather than prolonging it and risking audience fatigue.

If the first season of Seven Kingdoms turns out to be a success, it is possible that the subsequent seasons will adapt Martin’s two additional books, The Sworn Sword and The Mystery Knight.

The events of the show occur a century prior to those shown in Game of Thrones. It will center on the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall, who would later become the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and his squire, Egg, who would eventually become King Aegon V Targaryen. Together, they journey through Westeros, facing various challenges and obstacles.

Currently, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms does not have a confirmed release date, however it is expected to debut sometime in 2025.

In the interim, you can browse through the list of new TV shows arriving on streaming this month and include these movies in your watchlist.

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