Doctor Strange has emerged as a particularly controversial character in Marvel Rivals, known for his unique ability to inadvertently eliminate his own team members. Recently, Overwatch and Marvel Rivals streamer bogur unveiled an intriguing tactic: utilizing Doctor Strange’s team-killing ability might actually be the best way to kick off a match.
Having established himself as an elite Overwatch player, bogur demonstrated remarkable skill even while navigating significant lag from Bulgaria during an early access session. His expertise with Doctor Strange is undeniable, as he has dedicated considerable time to mastering the character since the game’s inception.
Despite not being labeled as a top-tier hero, those who have creatively harnessed Doctor Strange’s abilities are achieving surprising results. In a recent experiment, bogur discovered that causing a team-related fatality inadvertently grants him ultimate charge, which sparked further investigation in an actual match. Strikingly, he found that under specific conditions, he could completely charge his ultimate ability before the match had even officially begun.
bogur Uncovers Team-Killing as a Strategic Asset
In Marvel Rivals, the ultimate charge is influenced not just by healing and shielding, but also accumulates over time. Notably, gaining kills does not contribute to this charge, leading to the realization that damaging tank characters results in a significantly higher ultimate charge compared to more fragile heroes.
A peculiar aspect of Doctor Strange’s mechanics grants him full ultimate charge when he intentionally eliminates a teammate. When all five allies select heroes with substantial health pools and are subsequently dispatched, the result is a swift accumulation of ultimate ability power.
doctor strange gets ult charge from team kills
— bogur (@b0gur) December 7, 2024
While this strategy may initially appear as a humorous gimmick, it has proven effective enough that developers are likely to consider implementing a patch. This mechanic may genuinely disrupt standard gameplay.
Executing this strategy on the defensive side in maps like Convoy or Convergence can provide ample opportunity to toss teammates off the edge, allowing for necessary hero swaps and the introduction of a fully charged Doctor Strange ultimate ability.
The only scenario where this tactic is impractical is during an attack spawn on Convoy/Convergence, where the time to execute the plan may be wasted. Additionally, if there are no ledges present in the spawn area, the strategy becomes unattainable.
Should the game develop a ranked or competitive scene, Doctors Strange’s team-killing maneuver may become a sought-after tactic, highlighting its effectiveness in high-level play. And hey, the next time my teammates find themselves flying off the edge of the map, I’ll just apologize and explain it’s part of the latest meta—sorry, Jeff!
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