Genshin Impact 4.0 Spiral Abyss leaks and Floor 12 enemy lineups

For most Genshin Impact players, Spiral Abyss is the ultimate test of their skills. Usually, Floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss features most of the notoriously strong mobs and enemies in the game to provide a hardcore challenge. Based on recent leaks, you can get some insight into what can be expected of the version 4.0 Spiral Abyss. The new cycle is expected to introduce new mechanics and enemies to increase the difficulty.

Genshin Impact 4.0 Spiral Abyss Floor 12 line-up

The Genshin Impact 4.0 Spiral Abyss is expected to introduce new enemies from the Fontaine region to its line-up. The design of these enemies seems to adhere to the steampunk aesthetic widely associated with Fontaine. While we have information regarding which enemies will appear in the upcoming cycle of Abyss, the number of enemies is yet to be disclosed.

The full list of enemies expected to feature in 4.0 Spiral Abyss Floor 12 is as follows:

Floor 12: Chamber 1-1 Level 95

  • Maguu Kenki – 1,387,442 HP

Floor 12: Chamber 1-2 Level 95

  • Suppression Specialist Mech – 454,287 HP
  • Construction Specialist Mech – 795,002 HP
  • Water Splitting Phantasm – 567,858 HP
  • Water Spouting Phastasm – 454,287 HP
  • Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage – 346,860 HP

Floor 12: Chamber 2-1 Level 98

  • Emperor of Fire and Iron – 1,416,266 HP

Floor 12: Chamber 2-2 Level 98

  • Eremite Daythunder – 515,006 HP
  • Eremite Scorching Loremaster – 566,507 HP
  • Large Shatterstone Breacher Primus – 927,011 HP
  • Large Overgrown Breacher Primus – 1,081,512 HP

Floor 12: Chamber 3-1 Level 100

  • Fatui Skirmisher: Pyroslinger Bracer – 275,738 HP
  • Eremite Desert Clearwater – 499,190 HP
  • Annihilation Specialist Mech – 720,980 HP
  • Construction Specialist Mech – 970,550 HP

Floor 12: Chamber 3-2 Level 100

  • Icewind Suite: Coppelius’ Retribution – 2,079,751 HP
  • Icewind Suite: Geppelia’s Inhumation – 2,079751 HP

Genshin Impact 4.0 new Pneuma and Ousia mechanics

Along with enemies, the 4.0 cycle of Spiral Abyss is also rumored to include an entirely new fighting mechanic to the game. Some leaks suggest that Fontaine will be divided into two factions, Pneuma and Ousia, representing Light and Desolation in the country.

2 camps in Fontaine – Thereallo by u/CelestiaBoss in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

It is expected that all Fontaine characters will fall into either faction and will be able to infuse different types of energy into their weapons based on their affiliation. Additionally, the mobs of Genshin Impact are also expected to be categorized.

As per leaks, using Pneuma characters against Ousia enemies, or vice versa, will result in a wave that will paralyze enemies giving the players an advantage during battle. The duration of this effect and how often it can be triggered is yet to be known.

Another leak has suggested that players might require Fontaine characters capable of triggering the new mechanic to successfully complete Floor 12, indicating its importance in the upcoming 4.0 Spiral Abyss.

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