Genshin Impact: Is Sigewinne worth pulling in version 4.7?

Sigewinne, a highly anticipated 5-star Hydro character, will be introduced in the upcoming Genshin Impact version 4.7. Here is a discussion on whether or not it is worth pulling for her in the game.

Sigewinne has remained an enigmatic character in Genshin Impact since her initial reveal in version 4.0. For a significant period, there were limited leaks about her and little excitement surrounding her potential as a playable character.

Despite being confirmed for version 4.7, it wasn’t until fans began to take notice that Sigewinne’s popularity started to rise. Leaks indicated that she would have a strong kit, leaving players to question whether they should summon for Sigewinne or opt for Clorinde instead.

Therefore, if you find yourself uncertain about Sigewinne’s feasibility, rest assured that we have you covered.

Should You Pull for Sigewinne in Genshin Impact Version 4.7?

It is recommended to pull for Sigewinne in Genshin Impact version 4.7. Sigewinne is a versatile character in Genshin who can both heal allies and inflict damage on nearby enemies. One of Sigewinne’s abilities, the E skill, generates a bubble that can bounce between opponents and heal allies.

If you possess the E ability, the bubble will increase in size, reaching a maximum of twice its original value. This enlarged bubble is capable of trapping smaller enemies. Additionally, she generates Sourcewater Droplets, which provide her with Bond of Life. Eliminating the Bond of Life will reward her with Elemental Energy.

Sigewinne’s Ultimate is a powerful DPS skill that inflicts AoE Hydro DMG on all nearby enemies. Furthermore, each time she uses this ability, she will consume Sourcewater Droplets. It is worth noting that Sigewinne’s passive ability, Detailed Diagnosis, Thorough Treatment, provides her with a Healing bonus that is determined by the number of characters with Bond of Life.

The impressive aspect of this passive is how well it complements units utilizing the Bond of Life mechanic, showcasing Sigewinne’s design. By granting herself Bond of Life, she becomes even more effective when paired with Clorinde or Arlecchino, providing the team with additional damage and reaction support while also increasing her Healing Bonus.

In summary, Sigewinne is a versatile unit that serves as a utility rather than solely a dedicated healer. Her effectiveness will only increase with the release of more units in the HoYoverse that utilize the Bond of Life mechanic.

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