Genshin Impact responds after dubbing studio Formosa delays payments to voice actors

Genshin Impact’s developer HoYoverse has finally responded amidst a new scandal involving several voice actors not being paid by dubbing studio Formosa Interactive. Brandon Winckler, who voices several minor characters in the game, including Kazuha’s friend, recently took to Twitter and claimed that the studio has not paid them for their work for over four months. They also stated that the voice actors had sent several emails to the studio regarding their payment, but to no avail.

Following the controversy, HoYoverse has finally issued an official statement claiming it paid the recording studio on time, and has urged the latter to pay the voice actors immediately.

Genshin Impact issues a statement regarding voice actors’ missing payments

HoYoverse has expressed its regret following the controversy surrounding studio Formosa Interactive not paying its actors in over four months. It seems that Genshin Impact’s developer was not aware of the situation, and has now urged the recording studio to clear the pending payment. The official statement via Fan Nation Video Games reads:

“We truly regret to learn about the ongoing situation. Genshin Impact values and respects the work and effort of everyone involved, and we support our voice actors to claim their proper due. We have made payments to our recording studio on time, and we immediately urged the studio to pay our voice actors from our past payment. Meanwhile, we are also seeking alternative solutions. And we will keep you posted on further developments.”

HoYoverse has claimed that it paid the recording studio on time and supports the voice actors in claiming their payments. It has also asked the recording studio to immediately pay the actors their dues. The game developer further stated that it is currently seeking alternative solutions to this issue and will provide an update on further developments.

Fans react to HoYoverse’s official statement regarding missing payments

Interestingly, fans were also quick to react to HoYoverse’s official statement concerning voice actors’ missing payments. The community is showing their support to the developer because of its quick response to the issue, and is hoping that all the actors get paid for their work as soon as possible.

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