It appears that Appalachia is getting a head start on decking the halls!
The event “Holiday Scorched”is a yearly occurrence in Fallout 76, usually happening during the Christmas season, although it may also take place at other points throughout the year.
During this two-week event, players embark on an exciting journey to defeat Holiday Scorched throughout Appalachia, which rewards them with delightful mystery boxes filled with surprises. These packages may contain a range of items from ordinary junk to valuable treasures and unique holiday-themed loot, making each one a special gift with the possibility of a special seasonal surprise included!
Don’t forget to bring your festive spirit and join the hunt!
1. A Comprehensive Guide to the Holiday Scorched Event in Fallout 76

The Holiday Scorched event is currently active and will continue until August 6th, 2024. It is anticipated to make a comeback later this year during the Christmas season.
You can easily spot a nearby holiday scorched by the jingling sound they make – the closer they are, the louder it gets! Their festive outfits also make them stand out from regular scorched enemies, making them easily recognizable in the game environment. These distinct characteristics set them apart from other scorched enemies.
During the Holiday Scorched event, players are encouraged to participate in order to obtain Scrip and collect exclusive event rewards. Each encounter during this event is guaranteed to feature a legendary enemy, with a 55% chance of encountering a 1-star, 40% chance of a 2-star, and 5% chance of a 3-star legendary Holiday Scorched. These enemies can be found at any Scorched spawn location, with the exception of instances and interior areas such as the Valley Galleria.
By defeating them, you not only acquire their usual legendary loot but also receive Holiday Gifts of varying sizes – small, regular, and large. The larger the gift, the higher your chances of obtaining rare rewards. Furthermore, you can either craft gifts or utilize the Santatron Collectron to obtain them, providing alternative methods to obtain these festive treats.
Holiday Scorched Farming Locations

The following are some of the top locations for farming holiday scorched.
- Wavy Willard’s Water Park
- Tyler County Fairgrounds
- Morgantown Airport
- Bolton Greens
- Greg’s Mine Supplies
- Helvetia
- Sutton
- Camden Park
- Poseidon Energy Plant
- Summersville Docks
Holiday Scorched Farming Events

Utilize the upcoming events to gather Holiday Scorched and presents through farming.
- The Scorched Horde consists of randomly spawned events that may result in a few gifts, although it is not the most efficient way to farm.
- The Line in The Sand is a public event that takes place every 20 minutes and is perfect for obtaining multiple Holiday Gifts. It involves fighting off waves of Scorched.
- The event “Collision Course”can be triggered by players at Morgantown Airport. There is a 30-minute cooldown period per server for this event. Participating in this event provides a special chance for farming.
Holiday Scorched Tips

- Before starting, consider traveling to The Crater for free to save Caps. If you’re having trouble finding Holiday Scorched on your current server, consider switching to another server for better luck.
- Due to the high demand and many players hunting them, popular locations may be depleted of Holiday Scorched.
- Server-hopping can boost your odds of discovering untouched areas and maximizing the benefits of the Holiday Scorched event.
- Be vigilant of event schedules and venues, and be ready to adjust to varying situations, such as event cooldowns or the actions of other players.
- Utilize your Fallout 1st subscription, if it is accessible, to efficiently access private servers and participate in farming events.
2. Holiday Scorched Event Rewards in Fallout 76

Discover the thrill of Holiday Gifts by unwrapping them!
The rewards for larger gifts are better, as they have a higher chance of containing rare items. Upon opening a Holiday Gift, you can anticipate discovering a range of treats, such as:
- Aid items to boost your progress
- Caps and Scrip to fuel your adventures
- Consumables to enhance your gameplay
- Junk to craft or trade
- Grenades for added firepower
- Apparel items to customize your look
The rewards contained in Holiday Gifts dropped by Holiday Scorched include:
Small Holiday Gift | Holiday Gift (30%) | Large Holiday Gift (10%) |
1x Holiday Junk1x Goodies1x Holiday Reward (5%)Rare Taxidermy Plan (0,56%) | 1x Holiday Junk1x Goodies1x Holiday Reward (20%)1x Holiday CurrencyAmmo based on the current weaponRare Taxidermy Plan (2,22%) | 1x Holiday Junk1x Goodies1x Holiday Reward (40%)1x Holiday CurrencyAmmo based on the current weaponRare Taxidermy Plan (4,44%) |
Handmade Holiday Gifts

Instead of searching for Holiday Scorched, there is another option available. You can buy Gift wraps, which can be used to create personalized gifts and receive rewards.
In Fo76 and Grahm, Vendor Bots offer Gift Wrap for sale. It can be located in the ‘Misc’ category within their inventory and is available in three different types that can be purchased using Caps.
- Low-Quality Gift Wrap: Lowest Price: 219 Caps
- Medium-Quality Gift Wrap: Lowest Price: 656 Caps
- High-Quality Gift Wrap: Lowest Price: 1,925 Caps
To create your own Handmade Holiday Gifts, all you need to do is use a Tinker’s Workbench to combine Gift Wrap with Adhesive. Remember that the Super Duper perk card does not work for crafting Holiday gifts and that vendors will no longer sell Gift Wrap once the event is over, so make sure to gather enough materials while you have the chance!
Compared to dropped gifts, Handmade Holiday Gifts have a higher likelihood of containing a Holiday Reward and include the following rewards:
Small Handmade Gift | Handmade Gift | Large Handmade Gift |
2x Holiday Junk2x Goodies1x Holiday Reward (10%)Rare Taxidermy Plan (1,11%) | 1x Holiday Junk1x Goodies1x Holiday Reward (40%)1x Holiday CurrencyAmmo for current weaponRare Taxidermy Plan (4,44%) | 2x Holiday Junk3x Goodies1x Holiday Reward (60%)1x Holiday CurrencyAmmo for current weaponRare Taxidermy Plan (6,67%) |
II. Tips For Buying Gift Wrap

- To get the most value, choose Medium Quality Gift Wrap. It provides the most cost-effective option for crafting Medium Handmade Gifts, even though there is a 33% decrease in the likelihood of receiving a Holiday Reward.
- To get the best deals, maximize your Charisma to 25 by combining bonuses from the Level 3 Hard Bargain perk (+9 Charisma), Grape Mentats (+5 Charisma), the Magnetic Personality perk, and joining a Roleplay Team.
- Make sure to activate the Hard Bargain perk and consume Grape Mentats before making any purchases from a vendor in order to guarantee the best prices.
- If you’re looking to splurge on Gift Wrap, head to the faction vendors at the Whitespring Resort. You can buy all the Gift Wraps they have in stock, then server-hop and repeat the process to acquire even more.
- To maximize your cap supply, sell any unwanted items to a vendor before purchasing Gift Wrap. This will deplete your caps and result in a partial refund, allowing you to stretch your budget and make the most of your resources.
- In addition, make sure to stop by the Vendor Bot at Whitespring Station, where you can purchase two of each type of Gift Wrap.
III. Collectron – The Santatron

The CAMP collectors in Fallout 76, such as the Santatron, have the capability to be programmed to collect specific items, such as the Scorched Holiday Gifts.
If you were fortunate enough to obtain the Santatron during its limited-time availability in the Atomic Shop, it is important to secure both the robot and its terminal to prevent any potential theft or tampering.
During workshop defense events, be prepared to defend against waves of Scorched enemies. Among them, you may come across the elusive Holiday Scorched, giving you a chance to obtain these rare gifts.
As a Fallout 1st member playing on a private server, you have the perfect opportunity to take advantage of all workshops and place a Collectron in each one. This will allow you to set up a network of gift-gathering machines, maximizing your collection of Holiday gifts and other items.
3. List of All Holiday Plans

Below is a comprehensive list of all the Holiday plans and Apparel items that will be available during the Fo76 Summer Holiday Scorched event:
Communist Commander Hat | Communist Commander Outfit | Jaguar Pant Suit | Tulip Sky Blue Pant Suit |
Plan: Atomicset Ltd. Handbag Backpack | Plan: Barbed Wire Fences | Plan: Behemoth Boss Plushie | Plan: Brahmin Plushie |
Plan: Condemned Notification Sign | Plan: Giant Red Brontosaurus | Plan: Honeycomb Paper – Holiday Tree A | Plan: Honeycomb Paper – Holiday Tree B |
Plan: Honeycomb Paper – Icy Snowflake | Plan: Honeycomb Paper – Jolly Target | Plan: Honeycomb Paper – Ribbon Bell | Plan: Honeycomb Paper – Snowman |
Plan: Honeycomb Paper – Standing Santa | Plan: Jitterbug Judy Outfit (non-tradable) | Plan: Laser Chainsaw Paint | Plan: Molerat Wind Chime |
Plan: Musket Stack Monument | Plan: Nuka Girl Area Rug | Plan: Peppermint Backpack Flair (non-tradable) | Plan: Plastiform Candle |
Plan: Plastiform Nutcracker | Plan: Plastiform Santa | Plan: Plastiform Santa Sleigh | Plan: Plastiform Snowman |
Plan: Plastiform Vaultboy Elf | Plan: Princess Castle Pink Sleeping Bag | Plan: Red Rocket Gas Pump Wall Light | Plan: Red Truck Ceiling Light |
Plan: Santa Crash | Plan: Snowman Head Backpack Flair (non-tradable) | Plan: Star Light | Plan: Straw Goat |
Plan: Tattered Curtains | Plan: Vintage Water Cooler (generates Purified Water) | Plan: Wall Mounted Fan | Plan: Winter Icicle Lights |
In addition, there is also a possibility for the gifts to contain rare plans for Mounted items.
Plan: Deer Skull | Plan: Mounted Deathclaw Head | Plan: Mounted Feral Ghoul Head |
Plan: Mounted Frog | Plan: Mounted Glowing One-head | Plan: Mounted Gorilla Head |
Plan: Mounted Honey Beast | Plan: Mounted Mega Sloth | Plan: Mounted Mirelurk Claw |
Plan: Mounted Mirelurk Hunter Head | Plan: Mounted Mirelurk King Head | Plan: Mounted Mothman |
Plan: Mounted Mutant Hound Head | Plan: Mounted Radscorpion | Plan: Mounted Radtoad |
Plan: Mounted Snallygaster | Plan: Mounted Scorchbeast | Plan: Sitting Gorilla/Standing Gorilla |
Happy Early Summer Christmas!
About Fallout 76
Developed by Bethesda Game Studio, Fallout 76 is an online action role-playing game that solely focuses on multiplayer gameplay.
Despite initially facing criticism for its bog-standard gameplay, Fallout 76 regained popularity with the release of expansion packs, making it a highly entertaining game once again.
The game transports you to the year 2102, where the Earth has been ravaged by nuclear war and plague, leaving it unrecognizable. Your mission is to restore balance to the decimated planet. To do so, you must overcome every challenge thrown your way in this post-apocalyptic world.
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