Gizmo: Ground & Air Moves, Best Perks, Costumes – MultiVersus Guide

Despite being a challenging character for some, Gizmo, a Mage class in MultiVersus, becomes more manageable once you become acquainted with its combos, allowing for smooth navigation of its support role.

Basic Information

MultiVersus Gizmo
MultiVersus Gizmo | Source: Fandom

Rank: C

Class: Mage

Fighting Style: Combination of techniques

The level of difficulty is medium.

Price: 1000 Gleamium

When Gizmo heard that his malevolent off-spring Stripe had been pulled into the battle for the Multiverse, he followed immediately to stop him. Gizmo has always been a hero: Whether it was helping save Kingston Falls, averting the disaster at the Clamp Center, or any of the other adventures from his (surprisingly long) life, he has always been an unlikely protector of the innocent. With his box of tricks and mystical singing, he’s sure to throw a wrench in the works.

Move List

Sr. No. Move Ground Aerial
1 Neutral Hunter’s Bow Flying Hunter’s Bow
2 Side Mogwai 3-Step Fist of Furry
3 Up Pop Pop Pop! Widdle Claws
4 Down Harsh Melody Stompy Feet
5 Neutral Special Song of the Mogwai Song of the (Flying) Mogwai
6 Side Special Beep Beep! Umbrella Bash
7 Up Special Gizmo-A-Go-Go Gizmo-A-Go-Go (Flying)
8 Down Special Corrugated Camouflage Falling Furball


  • The Hunter’s Bow is used to charge and aim an arrow projectile.
  • Mogwai 3-Step: Punch+headbutt+drop kick combo
  • Pop Pop Pop!: Fires a popcorn projectile after charging and aiming.
  • Harsh Melody: Projects musical notes as projectiles.
  • The Song of the Mowai allows the user to sing and produce musical note projectiles. The Beep Beep! ability, on the other hand, involves ramming enemies with a toy car.
  • Gizmo-A-Go-Go: Jumps up to strike enemies.
  • Corrugated Camouflage: Uses a toy chest for cover to block projectiles.

Aerial refers to something that is related to the air or done in the air.

  • The Flying Hunter’s Bow charges and directs an arrow projectile.
  • Fist of Furry: Triggers a punch directed towards the front.
  • Widdle Claws: Two overhead swipes.
  • Stompy Feet: Executes three downward charges and stomps.
  • The (Flying) Mowai’s song is used to send musical note projectiles forward while singing.
  • Umbrella Bash: The character dashes forward while holding an umbrella, using it as a shield to block incoming projectiles.
  • Gizmo-A-Go-Go (Flying): Jumps into the air and strikes enemies from above.
  • Falling Furball: The butt slams down.

Top Perks for Maximum Benefits

  • Bounce, Bounce, Boom!: Gizmo’s air down special detonates his popcorn and toy car by bouncing off of it.
  • Coffeezilla!: Entire team’s cooldown ability is reduced.
  • Triple Jump: The entire team is given an additional jump while in the air.
  • That’s Flammable, Doc!: Entire team can melee attack to briefly ignite the enemy after hitting them with a projectile.
  • The entire team will experience an increase in projectile speed with the “Make it Rain, Dog”upgrade.


  1. Combat Gizmo
Combat Gizmo
Combat Gizmo | Source: Fandom

Cost: 1500 Gleamium

  1. Merry Christmas Gizmo
Merry Christmas Gizmo
Merry Mowai Gizmo | Source: Fandom

The cost is 1500 Gleamium.

  1. Tooniverse Gizmo

Cost: 500 Gleamium

Gizmo is a certified mischief-maker! He enjoys sharing his toys and disrupting the enemies’ schemes.

About MultiVersus

MultiVersus is a crossover fighting game that is free-to-play and features beloved characters from the WB franchise. Each character has their own distinct set of moves, combos, perks, costumes, and other features. It is a chaotic yet stunning fusion of your favorite characters all in one place.

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