Sean Schemmel, the renowned English voice actor of Goku from Dragon Ball, has recently raised concerns about GamerGoku, a prominent YouTuber known for his Dragon Ball content. Schemmel has accused GamerGoku of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to create a fabricated impersonation of Goku, prompting a response from the YouTuber who insists that he is simply a devoted fan, and that his voice acting is genuine.
Since the 1990s, Sean Schemmel has provided the voice for Goku, making it instantly recognizable to millions of fans worldwide through countless episodes of the beloved anime series. However, with advancements in AI technology, Schemmel has found it increasingly challenging to differentiate between authentic performances and artificially generated ones. His suspicion was ignited after seeing a viral clip featuring GamerGoku, leading him to assert that the impression had been created by an AI program.
Wow I can’t believe that lol
— GamerGoku (@GamerGoku9001) January 6, 2025
GamerGoku Addresses Sean Schemmel’s AI Accusations
In response to the viral clip, Schemmel expressed his dissatisfaction on Instagram, stating, “I did not record this. It does not feel good to have someone use my voice to put words into Goku’s mouth. Might be fun for you but is not for me.” GamerGoku later acknowledged Schemmel’s concerns in a video uploaded on January 15, emphasizing that the veteran voice actor may have misinterpreted one of his YouTube shorts as an AI-generated clip. Although Schemmel reached out privately, GamerGoku only noticed the message months later.
To clarify the situation further, GamerGoku recounted, “I sent him a voice message clearing things up. Hopefully, he’s ok with it. I wish no negativity towards Sean. I just wish he’d do a bit of research instead of jumping the gun and flying off the handle.” Furthermore, GamerGoku shared snippets of their private conversation, revealing that he strongly felt the accusation of using AI was unfounded and suggested that it implied a lack of appreciation for Dragon Ball.
In addressing the issue, GamerGoku reiterated that he does not employ any AI technologies in his voice work, highlighting his skills as a passionate impressionist. “I’m strongly against AI,” he affirmed. “Goku is one of my favorite voices, and you’re a massive inspiration to me. It’s never my intention to give you a bad name; I do it purely for fun. No offense intended, and I apologize if this has upset you.”
Interestingly, Schemmel’s reactions were echoed by another Dragon Ball voice actor, Daman Mills, known for portraying Frieza. Mills expressed his surprise at GamerGoku’s impression as well, cautioning that it appeared to be AI-generated or a manipulated voice-over, requesting its removal.
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