[Good Movie Recommendation] “Never Open the Door” The unknown anxiety and fear are so scary! Shin Hye Sun bought a landmine and didn’t want to admit defeat but almost lost her life.

(Cover image source: Garage Entertainment)

[无雷] If you like “Danger”starring Kong Xiaozhen, the new work “Never Open the Door”launched by the same team also has the same sense of fear! The plot describes an interior designer, Shin Hye-sun, who has a busy life and has just moved to live alone. So he found a cheap second-hand washing machine on the Internet. After buying it, he found that the item was faulty. He wanted to seek justice from the seller, but there was no way. During a series of searches for the seller, she actually became the target of the seller…

(Photo source: Garage Entertainment)

The theme of “Never Open the Door”is very close to modern people’s lives. Almost everyone has experience in online shopping. When buying faulty items, they usually seek returns or ask the platform to handle it. But if the seller loses contact, most people can only admit that they are unlucky. The role played by Shin Hye Sun in the film is not only calling the police but also actively looking for the seller. Unexpectedly, her series of actions angered the professional fraud seller, who began to harass Shin Hye Sun and used her public information on the Internet. disrupt her life.

(Photo source: Garage Entertainment)

Although the Chinese title is “Never Open the Door”, everyone who has watched this movie will know that even if the heroine sits at home and does not open the door, the door lock will be automatically unlocked! The fear is that you have lost your private space and someone is monitoring your every move and even threatening you. From the prank at the beginning to the increasingly serious threat to life, for you to know that the murderer is secretly there, or even if he has just passed you by, this kind of uneasiness and fear is in the work “Never Open the Door”The emotions can be felt constantly, and the murderer’s attacks become more intense every time!

(Photo source: Garage Entertainment)

Kim Sung-kyun and Kang Tae-oh, who played police officers in the film, became Shin Hye-sun’s only lifeline. Although the real murderer was quite cunning, with Kim Sung-kyun’s keen intuition for handling the case and his perseverance in tracking and attacking, his true face was finally revealed. After the death, the fear turns from dark to bright, from the fear of the unknown to a head-on confrontation. The car chase scene in the film is also very exciting.

(Photo source: Garage Entertainment)

If you buy landmine products but are unable to complain, don’t want to admit that you are unlucky, and don’t want to be the next victim, what else can you do besides calling the police? “Never Open the Door”will be released across Taiwan on September 15.


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