Guide to Completing the Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Main Story Easter Egg

Guide to Completing the Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Main Story Easter Egg

When it comes to the launch of Black Ops 6, the Terminus Easter Egg stands out as the more challenging of the two primary story Easter Eggs. Not only is the map itself more demanding, but it also features a greater number of steps that lead players on an intricate journey across various islands while unveiling the many secrets hidden within.

The zombies mode in Black Ops 6 has received overwhelmingly positive feedback, and the presence of complex challenges like this contributes significantly to its acclaim.

To successfully navigate through this Easter Egg, players will need to create a brand-new wonder weapon that hasn’t been seen in the franchise before and accomplish a plethora of tasks before facing a formidable final boss. If you’re attempting to complete this Easter Egg from start to finish for the first time, be prepared to dedicate several hours to the endeavor, as it’s quite lengthy.

Guide to Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Easter Egg

Preparation Steps

Before diving into this Easter Egg, there are some crucial tips you should keep in mind. While the Liberty Falls Easter Egg may not be a walk in the park, it does not require extensive preparation to tackle. You could jump right in with a new save file and breeze through it with some effort.

However, the scenario is quite different for Terminus.

Terminus Easter Egg Patient 13

Facing substantial challenges ahead in Terminus’ Easter Egg

Here’s what you need to know before you embark on this challenging quest:

  • Chopper Gunners are invaluable in this Easter Egg, offering essential breathing space in intense encounters. They’re particularly effective against Elite zombies, making regular weapons appear ineffective in comparison. It’s advisable to reach level 39 before attempting this Easter Egg so you can craft Chopper Gunners at the workbench or at least enter the confrontation armed with a Mutant Injection.
    • The final boss of this Easter Egg poses significant difficulty. Make sure to minimize the chances of wasting two hours only to fall short at the end.
  • Focus on upgrading a single primary weapon with Pack-a-Punch. Since part of the Easter Egg involves crafting a Wonder Weapon, the DRI-11 Beamsmasher, one player should leave a slot open to equip this weapon. It’s recommended to enhance a gun with a large reserve of ammunition.
  • As mentioned earlier, this Easter Egg can take approximately 2-3 hours to complete, depending on your pace in tackling it. Ensure you allocate enough time for the task.
  • Finish this Easter Egg by around round 25. Taking down the final boss is challenging enough as is, and the difficulty noticeably spikes after round 25. Manage your time wisely.
  • This Easter Egg can be undertaken solo, but teamwork greatly simplifies the process. Many sections require players to engage in actions that expose them to danger, making it significantly harder to survive without the assistance of teammates.

Step 1: Activate the Power

This step is relatively simple, as the map will guide you to each of the three AMP generators.

AMP generators terminus

Start the generators, eliminate the zombies that spawn, and keep the generators safe to proceed. Activating them will also grant you access to the Pack-a-Punch lift, which will be necessary later. However, while powering these generators, be mindful of the following:

Step 2: Activate the Three Laptops

You will need to activate three laptops scattered throughout the map, which are crucial for later steps. They won’t be marked, but you can interact with them to trigger them.

The first laptop is located just up the stairs next to the Stamin-Up room, overlooking the central map area:

First Laptop Terminus Easter Egg

The second laptop can be found outside the Quick Revive room. When leaving this room, facing away from spawn, you’ll find it directly ahead of you.

Second laptop terminus easter egg

The location of the third laptop is trickier. You’ll find it near the docks, upstairs from the Arsenal station located next to the water:

third laptop terminus easter egg

While no immediate effects occur upon activating these laptops, they will be essential later on, so it’s best to take care of them while you’re nearby.

Step 3: Unlock the Research Lab Door

To access the Research Lab, you’ll need to ride the Pack-a-Punch elevator using a weapon that has the Dead Wire mod attached.

Dead Wire mod Black Ops 6

Secure the Dead Wire mod for 500 scrap from an Arsenal, and it will work on any gun firing actual bullets.

Next, you must shoot a series of generator boxes leading up to the entrance of the Research Lab, starting with the most troublesome one:

generator box terminus easter egg

The first generator box is positioned opposite the Pack-a-Punch machine. After shooting this one, sparks will fly, revealing the next generator box to shoot in order to power open the Research Lab door. Once all boxes are shot, you’ll gain entry.

Inside, eliminate the zombie trapped under the rubble to receive an EMF FOB, which will be crucial for the upcoming step.

Step 4: Acquire and Configure the Multiphasic Resonator

The next step is to locate a briefcase in the Sea Tower, a structure that looks out over the ocean and features two metal bridges leading to it. If you start hearing a low, ominous growling sound, you know you’re on the right track.

Approach the briefcase that has a severed hand gripping the handles, open it, and retrieve the Multiphasic Resonator.

multiphasic resonator black ops 6 easter egg

Next, head back to the Research Lab and prepare for a mathematical challenge. This is where you’ll find the laptops you activated earlier will come into play.

algebra terminus black ops 6 easter egg

The process can be daunting without knowledge of what to look for, but it isn’t too tricky if you recall your algebra from school.

Each activated laptop will display a sticky note indicating which symbol corresponds to each of the variables in the equations. The values obtained by solving the equations will result in the three totals you need.

The symbols depicting the variables will change with each match, so you’ll have to solve these equations every time you try the Easter Egg.

To solve one of the equations, here’s how you could determine the total for the third equation that includes all three variables:

Each variable’s symbol on the chart will lead you to its corresponding number, where the numbers on the left denote the first digit and those at the bottom denote the second digit. For example:

  • x=10
  • y=20
  • from=22

Plugging these values into the third equation, it would look like this:

  • |(y+z) – x| >>> |(20+22) – 10|
    • The solution to this is 32, making the last two digits of the entry number 32.

You’ll have some time to solve these equations, and zombies will not attack while you input the values, so use this time wisely. If you’re not great with math, it might help to have someone who is accompany you.

Once you’ve correctly entered all six digits, ensure to collect the Resonator (don’t leave it behind) and proceed to the next step.

Step 5: Charge the Orbs

The next phase requires heading out to the sea by boat to journey to various islands. Your first destination is Castle Rock Island, located on the right side of the map; if you’ve completed everything correctly, you’ll notice a big glowing blue orb on its shore.

big blue orb terminus easter egg

Once you arrive, interact with the orb to trigger your first challenge in this step. Zombies will start spawning around the orb, occasionally electrified by lightning. You’ll need to defeat these zombies to collect small lightning balls, which you must carry back to the main orb, all while being unable to run, use equipment, or aim down sights.

orb in hand terminus easter egg

This step can be frustrating, especially when playing alone, so opting for a weapon with a large magazine will make this segment much easier. For instance, I utilized the PP-919, which features a substantial magazine size and effective hipfire accuracy, but you can choose according to your preferences.

You must complete this orb-filling quest on three different islands. After the blue orb quest, your next target is Crab Island, the southernmost island on the map, to do this with a green orb.

After charging the green orb, your final stop will be Temple Island, located at the top left corner of the map, where you’ll charge a purple orb.

The sequence is essential: you must follow the order of blue > green > purple every time you attempt this Easter Egg. Completing these three steps will reward you with AMP Munition, which is the last component needed to create the DRI-11 Beamsmasher.

Step 6: Obtain and Utilize the DRI-11 Beamsmasher

Upon returning to the Research Lab, you can immediately craft the DRI-11 Beamsmasher. This incredible weapon functions as a laser gatling gun that unleashes a powerful beam effective against zombies. Ensure you have enough essence saved up to Pack-a-Punch this weapon two or even three times if you wish to keep it for the battles ahead.

However, you are free to exchange it for another weapon after completing the next step.

Four Tentacle Traps are placed throughout the map. Shooting one of them for several seconds with the Wonder Weapon will yield a Hard Drive. These traps are recognizable as they resemble:

tentacle trap terminus easter egg

You can typically spot them near doorways with damaged vents above them.

Two traps are positioned in the underground lab, while another is located next to the Juggernog machine, and one more is near spawn, where Peck is situated. Once you retrieve the Hard Drive, deliver it to Peck by interacting with the small delivery slot on the wall.

Delivery slot terminus easter egg

Step 7: Discover the Code and Defeat Nathan

After delivering the Hard Drive, you’ll need to locate a three-digit code that varies with every playthrough. You can find the numbers at three specific locations:

First, check the clock in the Quick Revive room, where the hour hand will indicate the first digit:

clock terminus easter egg

The placement of the hand can sometimes be tricky, depending on your viewpoint. For instance, I mistakenly thought the hour hand pointed to 7, but it was actually on 6. If your code is incorrect, this step is likely where the error occurred; try the next closest number.

The second digit can be found on a playing card pinned to a bulletin board in the Mess Hall. This building will be immediately on your right upon exiting the Quick Revive room and is where the Arsenal resides:

playing card terminus easter egg

The third digit is situated in the Engineering department, straight ahead through the Juggernog room from the Mess Hall. This digit corresponds to the number displayed on the “Days Since Last Injury” sign:

injury sign terminus easter egg

Once you’ve gathered the three digits, venture down to the Underground Lab and locate the chamber in the center.

You’ll find Nathan trapped within the chamber, and beneath him is a keypad. It’s safe to assume you know what to do next.

code input nathan terminus easter egg

Inputting the correct code will trigger a boss fight with Nathan, so prepare yourself. Thankfully, he isn’t overly difficult.

This boss is similar to an Amalgamation, but with additional health and the capability to restore health by consuming other zombies. If you focus your efforts effectively, you can take him down swiftly.

After defeating Nathan, you’ll need to collect a Golden Keycard located underwater beneath one of the bridges.

golden keycard terminus easter egg

With the keycard obtained, continue on to the next phase of your quest.

Step 8: Fixing the Node Connectors

Your first priority here is to acquire the Node Connectors before using them. Steer your boat towards the shipwreck located on the left side of the map and navigate through one of the openings in the ship’s side.

You’ll notice a ladder leading to a different section of the ship. Ascend, but come prepared; once you enter that area, you’ll be trapped for a short while.

node connectors terminus easter egg

After acquiring one of the connectors, you’ll need to fend off a horde in that small room until a latch unlocks below, giving you a chance to escape with your Node. While carrying the Node Connector, your ability to sprint is hindered, and you can only hold one at a time.

If playing solo, you will indeed have to make two trips to repair the nodes. While the task is manageable, it’s certainly easier with friends.

There are three potential locations to attach the Node Connector:

The first is right next to the crafting table on the southernmost island:

node connector 1 terminus easter egg

The second location is near the Speed Cola machine found within the caves:

node connector 2

Lastly, you will find a connection point under the Sea Tower by the docks:

node connector 3 terminus easter egg

After repairing all the nodes, return to Peck at spawn to initiate the final leg of your journey.

Step 9: Hack the Buoys and Disable the Nukes

This marks the penultimate stretch of the Easter Egg journey, the final challenge before confronting the ultimate boss. Upon heading back to Peck, you’ll notice a Hacking Device in the delivery slot.

hacking device terminus easter egg

Picking this up, navigate out to the edges of the map in your boat until you find a buoy adorned with a satellite dish. While there won’t be an on-screen prompt, you can hack it by maneuvering your boat close and holding the interact button.

hacking buoy terminus easter egg

Hacking the first buoy will ignite a two-minute timer. You’ll need to rush to find the other two buoys before the time expires, as your window for completing this task is very limited.

Note: Before embarking on this step and hacking the three terminals, ensure you have some monkeys or enough salvage to craft them. If you’re solo, monkeys are essential for surviving the following phase. Once the hacking is complete, there’s no turning back.

After successfully completing this objective within the time frame, the nuclear bombs set in the Underground Lab will begin their countdown, providing you with only five minutes to disarm them. Keep in mind that defusing these is a time-consuming process.

Your best strategy, especially when solo, is to throw a monkey as far away from yourself as possible before racing to defuse the bombs. Monkeys won’t endure long enough for you to defuse the bombs, so expect to be on edge each time you attempt to prevent an explosion. Once again, this step will be much easier with friends.

defusing bombs terminus easter egg

Three bombs will emerge from the walls in the lab, brightly lit with green lights and surrounded by purple lightning. These are hard to overlook but take considerable time to defuse.

Once the bombs are completely defused, the map will revert to its regular state until you choose to engage in the final boss fight.

final boss door terminus easter egg

By entering the door in the Underground Lab, you’ll be locked in for what promises to be an intense battle.

Step 10: Eliminate Patient 13

Patient 13 presents a formidable challenge, serving as a devastating raid boss. This encounter consists of multiple phases, features a massive health pool, and includes intricate attack patterns similar to what one would expect from a tremendously tough boss encounter. It’s likely you may not succeed on your first attempt.

Utilize the time you have before the boss fight effectively, ensuring your equipment is stocked without delving too far into the later rounds. Here are some strategies to aid in overcoming this fight:

patient 13 terminus easter egg

Prepare for to encounter this death animation multiple times.

  • Running in circles won’t work. You can only do substantial damage by targeting Patient 13’s weak spots, which take time to reveal themselves. It’s best to anticipate his attacks and focus on hitting those weak points.
  • He will become invisible for brief periods between phases. Should you opt to use a chopper gunner or mutant infection, ensure to coordinate the timing so that it doesn’t coincide with his evolution to the next phase, as he transitions through three segments.
  • Diving into the water is safer than it seems, as it helps regenerate health efficiently.
  • Be cautious during his last phase, as he releases an energy burst that can instantly eliminate you regardless of your armor. Avoid this attack at all costs.
  • Zombies defeated by Patient 13 do not drop loot. While you may not collect perks from regular enemies, ensure you are actively defeating zombies to stock up on armor plates and ammunition drops.

I’ll leave the exciting final cutscene a surprise for when you ultimately conquer the Easter Egg. Best of luck on your adventure, and don’t be disheartened if your first attempt doesn’t yield success. Keep trying with a solid group of friends, and you’ll get there!


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