Anime Last Stand has emerged as one of the standout experiences on Roblox, captivating users with its rich collection of beloved anime characters. Players have the unique opportunity to summon these characters to their team and even enhance their powers through evolution. Among these characters is Wukong, who can attain a formidable God Form, but this transformation necessitates obtaining the Slayer Halo.
How to Obtain the Slayer Halo in Anime Last Stand
To acquire the Slayer Halo in Anime Last Stand, players must craft it using the crafting bench located within the summoning area. The crafting process demands several materials, some of which can be challenging to locate. Below is a list of the required items:
- 50x Rare Spirit Shards
- 20x Epic Spirit Shards
- 20x Legendary Spirit Shards
- 5x Mythic Spirit Shards
If the crafting recipe for the Slayer Halo is missing from the Crafting section, it may be due to a temporary glitch, which developers are likely to resolve in future updates.
Using the Slayer Halo in Anime Last Stand
The primary function of the Slayer Halo is to serve as an Evolution Material specifically for transforming the Celestial rarity unit Wukong into its Ultimate rarity form, Wukong (God Form). Outside of this purpose, the Slayer Halo does not hold any additional value within the game.
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