Guide to Locating Bargniff and Solving His Riddles in Enotria: The Last Song

When you arrive in Litumnia in Enotria: The Last Song, you’ll likely come across Bargniff. Engaging with him requires you to solve the three riddles he presents. This guide explains how to locate Bargniff and answer his riddles in Enotria: The Last Song.

Where to Find Bargniff in Enotria: The Last Song

Your first encounter with Bargniff happens near the Clocktower Reality Knot in Litumnia. He resembles a giant frog adorned with a mask on his forehead and a glowing flower sprouting from the top of his head. You’ll find him on the left side of the square, right by the water’s edge.

Bargniff in the Clocktower Square in Litumnia.
Screenshot by GameSkinny

When you converse with him for the first time, he announces that he will pose three riddles. He doesn’t specify any rewards, but solving riddles for other NPCs has previously yielded a Special Mask or a unique weapon.

To accurately answer his riddles, ensure you’re equipped with the right mask. An incorrect answer won’t incur any penalties, so don’t fret if you mistakenly talk to him wearing the wrong mask.

How to Solve Bargniff’s First Riddle

Bargniff's first riddle.
Screenshot by GameSkinny

After your initial conversation, Bargniff presents his first riddle.

The Riddle: Brains not brawn define you. You slice, you dice, but never flesh.

The Answer: Piercing Wit Mask

Upon providing the correct answer, Bargniff will relocate to his second spot.

How to Solve Bargniff’s Second Riddle

Bargniff's second location in Litumnia.
Screenshot by GameSkinny

To reach Bargniff’s second location, you’ll need to navigate through the city. If you’ve previously explored this area, the quickest route is to fast travel to the Highborne Streets Reality Knot. From there, head toward the Astrarium section of the city until you reach the gated small canal.

Cross over a ledge to your right; this will trigger Bargniff’s appearance. Drop down to the lower platform to engage with him.

Bargniff's second riddle.
Screenshot by GameSkinny

The Riddle: In ruby robes, you fervently implore, devotion unyielding, her voice you await.

The Answer: Vermiglio’s Mask

How to Solve Bargniff’s Third Riddle

Bargniff's third riddle.
Screenshot by GameSkinny

For Bargniff’s final riddle, he appears in the Mines of Gratia. You can find him near the Master Gondolier in the lowest section of the mines. Fast travel to the Mines of Gratia Reality Knot, then jump down the ledge on your right and climb the stones to the end where you will encounter the boss, if you haven’t defeated him yet. Bargniff will be located on the leftmost side of the water.

The Riddle: Through winding waterways, your vessel glides, in a city of bridges, where secrets reside.

The Answer: Gondolier’s Mask

After you correctly answer all three riddles, Bargniff will reveal a hidden path for you to explore. This pathway will lead you to the deepest sections of the mines, where you can encounter Litho, one of the three Gods.

These are all the riddle answers and directions for finding Bargniff in Litumnia.


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