Guide to Magik in Marvel Rivals: Abilities, Ultimate, Tips, and More

As a member of the team, it is the Duelist’s role to inflict damage and eliminate opponents. Magik, one of the team’s most distinctive Duelists, stands out in the roster.

With a massive flaming sword in hand, she excels in close-quarters combat, utilizing a kit that allows for personalized engagement with enemies.

Magik’s Weapons in Marvel Rivals

Magik wields a Soulsword as her weapon, which enables her to perform two distinct types of attacks. The first is a close-range melee attack, while the second is a long-range ranged attack.


The term Soulsword refers to a weapon wielded by certain individuals.

  • Slash forward with Soulsword

The name of the skill is Magik Slash.

  • Strike forward with an air slash

Magik’s Powers and Abilities in Marvel Rivals

It is evident from her enormous Soulsword that Magik prefers close combat, relying on a kit that encourages her to engage with enemies at close range due to her limited ranged abilities.

Passive Voice

The power of Limbo remained unchanged.

  • Convert damage inflicted on enemies into Bonus Health to herself

Skills and Abilities

Stepping Discs are a type of equipment used for exercise and balance training.

  • Jump through a Stepping Disc, teleporting a short distance in the direction of movement
    • [Left click]: Spin while swinging the Soulsword after exiting a Stepping Disc
    • [Right click]: Summon a Limbo demon that attacks enemies after exiting a Stepping Disc

Umbral Incursion is a term used to describe the act of entering a dark or shadowy realm.

  • Dash forward and launch an enemy upward


Darkchild is still known as “Darkchild”.

  • Transform into Darkchild, gaining enhancements to all her abilities
Marvel Rivals Magik ultimate

Magik’s ultimate will turn her into Darkchild

Tips for Playing Magik in Marvel Rivals

When playing as Magik, fear should not hold you back. Despite feeling like you may be deliberately losing, it is necessary to engage with enemies in close proximity in order to effectively utilize her kit, which heavily relies on this aggressive playstyle.

Fortunately, for those who find themselves in a difficult situation, Magik possesses several escape options such as her Stepping Discs and Umbral Incursion. However, it should be noted that these methods of escape are not foolproof.

Fortunately, being in close proximity to an enemy should not be a problem as your passive ability will make you strong enough to withstand some damage while you eliminate your opponent. However, this is subject to the amount of damage you are able to inflict.

To play Magik effectively, it is crucial to have good positioning and avoid engaging the enemy team on your own. It is recommended that you initiate the fight, with your team providing support.

Additionally, don’t forget that upon leaving Stepping Discs, you will have the choice to either inflict close-range AOE damage or summon a Limbo demon to do the damage for you. Be sure to utilize this option whenever engaging with an enemy.

Despite her impressive arsenal, her kit falls short against long-ranged opponents such as Luna Snow and Hela. Their ability to chip away at your health from a distance is something to keep in mind when facing them.

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