Guide to Obtaining the Best Enchantments in Arcane Lineage

Guide to Obtaining the Best Enchantments in Arcane Lineage

In the immersive world of Arcane Lineage, weapon enchantments play an essential role in enhancing combat effectiveness. This guide will provide you with comprehensive insights on how to acquire the most powerful enchantments, detailing the optimal classes for each enchant along with their respective benefits.

Top Starter Enchantments

Midas Enchant (Level 1+)

The Midas Enchant is the first weapon enchantment available to players upon reaching level 1 in Arcane Lineage. This enchantment primarily boosts your Luck stat, making it an ideal choice for Rogue weapons. The benefits include:

  • Enhanced drop rates;
  • Increased gold accumulation from defeated foes;
  • A 16.6% chance to deal 15% additional damage to enemies.
Lodyssa NPC location in Arcane Lineage
Image courtesy of Twinfinite

You can acquire the Midas Enchant by speaking to the Lodyssa NPC, located at the table inside the building marked with a sliced bread sign in Caldera Town, positioned to the east of the spawn point. Engage her in conversation and opt to sell 200 items (excluding ingredients) to obtain the enchant.

Keep in mind, you must first defeat Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon boss, situated in Mount Thul within the desert area. This formidable boss has 1, 200 HP and is particularly susceptible to Hex damage, allowing for solo strategies utilizing Pristine weapons and accessories.

Be cautious of Yer’thul’s Blaze Eruption, Magma Beam, and Hellfire attacks which are unavoidable. Once its HP falls below 50%, it will unleash Armageddon—an intense meteor strike. Maintain your distance until the attack concludes and continue your offensive until defeated.

Blessed Enchant (Level 20+)

At level 20, players can utilize the Blessed Enchant, a remarkable DPS enhancement perfect for the Paladin class and suited for weapons that feature multi-hit combos. When applied, this enchantment allows you to:

  • Absorb energy from foes (1 point per 3 stacks);
  • Recover HP from adversaries (5% for every 3 stacks);
  • Inflict a Sundered status effect, extending the cooldown periods of enemy skills.
Sky Man's portal in Arcane Lineage
Image courtesy of Twinfinite

To obtain this enchantment, you must join the Church of Rapheon covenant, achieve level 20+, and defeat the Seraphon boss to receive the Raphion’s Blessing, which transforms into the Blessed Enchant. Initiating this requires an encounter with the NPC at the Sky Man’s portal in the Deeproot Canopy, located east of Caldera Town.

While progression may seem challenging initially, it becomes more manageable as you unlock abilities. Utilize active skills like Bless and Holy Light, which are granted through rank gains, to advance within the Church of Raphion. Finally, defeat Seraphon to unlock the Sheea Race after reaching level 20.

Seraphon possesses 4, 750 HP, making her vulnerable to Curse damage from Blightwood weapons. However, be aware that applying debuffs will trigger her self-healing. Additionally, she summons a Sheea ally at the outset with 500 HP, so prioritize that target before refocusing on Seraphon.

Spectral Enchant (Level 20+)

For builds centered on critical damage, especially with potent weapons like the Greatsword, the Spectral Enchant is a superior choice as it negates 50% of enemies’ defenses, including those of bosses. This feature allows players to inflict massive damage in a single strike, effectively dispatching powerful foes.

Temple of Norn in Arcane Lineage
Image courtesy of Twinfinite

To secure this enchantment, you must join the Cult of Thanasius located in the Temple of Norn. Upon reaching level 20 within the cult, defeat the Arkhaia boss to obtain the Arkhaia Curse, which can be turned into the Spectral Enchant when applied to your weapon.

The Arkhaia boss is a challenging encounter with 7, 000 HP and a sun weapon. Solo attempts may prove difficult, so it’s advisable to collaborate with allies, particularly those who can heal. Be wary of Arkhaia casting the Banshee Wail, which can immobilize a random ally and drain their HP. Additionally, watch out for its powerful melee assaults aimed at the entire party.

Top Midgame Enchantments

Inferno Enchant (Level 25+)

As one of the premier weapon enchantments in Arcane Lineage for dealing burn damage, the Inferno Enchant applies a burning effect to enemies even when they evade the physical attack itself. This enchantment stands out, providing powerful DPS benefits:

  • Imposes a burning debuff on adversaries.
  • Grants 20% increased damage against enemies suffering from the burning status.
  • Enhances all burning attacks by an additional 20% damage.
Volcano area in Arcane Lineage
Image courtesy of Twinfinite

You can obtain the Inferno Enchant upon reaching level 25. Proceed to the Volcano area and take the left path, navigating through an illusory wall at the end to partake in a parkour challenge. Completing this challenge rewards you with the enchantment.

While the lava does not immediately cause death, falling results in the loss of 50% of your maximum health. It’s crucial to bring a Bard companion for easier healing. Additionally, remain vigilant of fireballs that indicate falling pillars during the parkour segment, requiring quick reflexes!

Lifesong Enchant (Level 30+)

This enchantment serves as the top choice for the Saint class, facilitating healing for allies during combat. Once applied, the Lifesong Enchant increases both outbound and inbound healing by 20%.

Deeproot Depths area in Arcane Lineage
Image courtesy of Twinfinite

To acquire this enchantment, you must be at least level 30 and complete the parkour challenge in the Deeproot Depths. After finishing the challenge, interact with the glowing green pillar at the center. This initiates another challenge, requiring you to maintain healing your allies for a total of 5, 000 HP while surviving in combat.

Healing yourself does not contribute to this total, necessitating companions for support. During the challenge, prioritize healing, focusing on defense while allowing your team to manage damage.

Top Endgame Enchantments

Cursed Enchant (Level 35+)

The Cursed Enchant is ideal for players of the Hexxer or Ranger classes, offering various debuffs that are strengthened with each successful attack. Here are its key advantages:

  • A 16.6% chance to apply random effects upon hitting an enemy.
  • Immunity against Cess Anomalies.
Jyphar NPC in Arcane Lineage
Image courtesy of Twinfinite

The Cursed Enchant becomes available once you complete Jyphar’s quest after hitting level 35. Locate Jyphar in a cave near the entrance to Deeproot Canopy. Completing his quest requires you to eliminate 10 cursed corpses found in the Cessgrounds.

Be aware that you must be cursed to count the kills for this quest, so use Venom Shrooms beforehand. Don’t forget to heal yourself or bring a Bard for assistance, as the curse will gradually sap your health. Once you achieve the 10 kills, return to Jyphar to claim the Cursed Enchant as your reward.

Reaper Enchant (Level 35+)

The Reaper Enchant is a specialized enhancement that predominantly benefits the Impaler class by allowing HP recovery when attacking. Additional benefits include:

  • A 25% damage increase based on the target’s missing health.
  • A chance to lifesteal from enemies (10% of dealt damage).
  • Passive health regeneration based on missing HP.
Old Ruins area in Arcane Lineage
Image courtesy of Twinfinite

To obtain this enchantment, you must interact with the Reaper found in the Old Ruins. Your character needs to be level 35 or higher, with max health. Additionally, possessing a Lineage Shard is essential, which can be acquired through several means:

  • Purchase in regular mode for 3, 600-4, 400 gold from the Mysterious Merchant in Caldera Town.
  • Drop from any boss.
  • Drop from any monster with a minor probability when Cursed Skies is active.
  • Gift during the Solstice of Light event.

Once you obtain the Lineage Shard, follow these steps to unlock the Reaper Enchant:

  1. Head toward the Old Ruins after entering the desert from the Caldera Town trail.
  2. Turn right and follow the path toward the Saint trainer.
  3. Pass behind the large boulder adjacent to the trainer.
  4. Turn back towards Caldera and hug the wall near the bones until locating the red door.
  5. Interact with the red spikes protruding from the ground after opening the Reaper door.
  6. Present the Lineage Shard during your interaction.
  7. Complete the conversation to unlock the Reaper Enchant.

With this guide, you are now equipped with everything you need to know about obtaining the best enchantments in Arcane Lineage. For additional resources, check out our other articles, such as the Arcane Lineage Tier List – Best Classes Ranked and the Clover Retribution Trait Tier List. We also cover the Clicker Heroes Tier List and the Best Team Compositions in Enigma of Sepia.

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