H1 class=mb-2 md:mb-5 font-semibold font-display text-title-1 text-neutral-grey lg:text-title-0 dark:text-neutral-white external:text-custom-content-text external:dark:text-custom-content-text>The Best Moveset for PvP and Raids with Pokemon Go’s Eelektross

Pokemon Black and White’s Eelektross made its debut in 2021 on Pokemon Go. Below is the most effective moveset for using Eelektross in PvP battles and Raids in Pokemon Go.

During the July 2024 Community Day, Tynamo was chosen as the featured headliner Pokemon. Its Levitate ability allows trainers to fully evolve it into Eelektross, a formidable Electric-type Pokemon that poses a challenge in console games.

Trainers who are including the Gen V creature on their team may be curious about which moves they should teach it for the mobile game.

Screenshot of Eelektross evolution line in Pokemon Go.
Niantic / The Pokemon Company

The Unova Electric-type made its debut in Pokemon Go during the Charge Up event.

All Moves for Pokemon Go

In Pokemon Go, these are all the moves that Eelektross is capable of learning:


  • Spark (Electric)
  • Acid (Poison)
  • Volt Switch (Electric)

Charged Moves

  • Thunderbolt (Electric)
  • Dragon Claw (Dragon)
  • Crunch (Dark)
  • Acid Spray (Poison)
  • Liquidation (Water)

Pokemon Go Eelektross: Best Moveset for PvP

The optimal moveset for Eelektross in Pokemon Go would be to use Spark as the Fast Move and Dragon Claw and Thunderbolt for the Charged Moves.

Spark is undoubtedly the superior choice for the Fast Move due to its higher power compared to Acid, making it an effective STAB move.

When it comes to Charged Moves, Dragon Claw is a cost-effective option with sufficient power. The choice between Thunderbolt and Liquidation remains.

According to PvPoke, Thunderbolt is recommended for the Great and Ultra Leagues, as it is a more suitable move for Eelektross in these leagues. However, Liquidation outperforms Thunderbolt in the Master League.

Screenshot of Pokemon Go Raid Boss logo.
Niantic / The Pokemon Company

Pokemon Go Eelektross: Best Moveset for Raids

The optimum combination of attacks for Eelektross during Raids would be Spark and Thunderbolt.

The moveset is straightforward, as they are both Electric-type moves and complement Eelektross’ type effectively.

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