Habbo Hotel goes back in time with Habbo Hotel Origins

Habbo Hotels is reverting to its original 2005 appearance and layout with the launch of its latest game, Habbo Hotel Origins.

Habbo Hotel was a popular chat game during the early 2000s that many still remember. It allowed players to customize their own characters, design and decorate their rooms, care for virtual pets, and participate in games and quests alongside other real players.

Despite being launched in 2000, the title has undergone significant changes since its initial release. But now, with the upcoming launch of Habbo Hotel Origins, everything is about to change. This new game will take players back to 2005, incorporating all the highly requested features that made it a popular gaming giant in the past.

Habbo Hotel Origins: A Brief Overview

Habbo Hotel Origins rooms

As mentioned earlier, Habbo Hotel Origins will serve as a tribute to the 2005 edition of Habbo Hotel. It is set in a different hotel and will exist alongside the original Habbo, so there is no need to be concerned about your current character or creations.

Nevertheless, you will still have the opportunity to include your previous Habbo character in Origins and bring them back to the starting point of it all.

The style and gameplay of the game will remain unchanged, just as it was in 2005. Players can expect to see familiar locations such as the Habbo Lido, complete with a diving board, private rooms, Cafe Ole, and the beloved Battle Ball that kept many players entertained for hours.

When discussing the gameplay and overall quality of Habbo Hotel Origins, we had the chance to chat with Dominic Gunn, the lead developer. He shared with us that after 20 years of experience, they have gained valuable knowledge on what works and what doesn’t. Additionally, they are excited to involve the community in shaping the game’s direction and are eager to see where it will go.

It should be mentioned, however, that Habbo Hotel Origins will only be available to players who are 18 years or older, unlike the traditional Habbo Hotel game which has an age restriction of 13+.

The Habbo Hotel Origins game can now be accessed and enjoyed through the Habbo Hotel website at https://origins.habbo.com/.

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