Hades 2 Character Design Detail Links Four Important Goddesses

Upon close inspection, devoted fans of Hades 2 have noticed a cleverly placed detail that links the main character, Melinoe, with other significant figures in her narrative.

Despite its early access release, Hades 2’s art is already showing promising design details. One such detail is a motif found on Melinoe’s design, which can also be seen on the character portraits of Hecate, Selene, and Artemis, three of the Greek goddesses featured in the game.

As noticed by a Twitter user on social media, all four characters are adorned with a braided band in light green, light blue, black, and orange. These colors correspond to the distinct designs of the goddesses they represent – green for Artemis’ hair, blue for Selene’s outfit, black for Hecate’s cloak and hat, and orange for Melinoe’s dress. This serves to connect the four characters and their goddesses together.

The detail in Hades 2 was praised by the user, specifically giving credit to Jen Zee, the art director and character designer who previously worked on the first Hades and other Supergiant projects.

In terms of lore, it is logical for these four goddesses to have a strong bond. Hecate, Selene, and Artemis are all linked to the moon, however only Selene is considered its embodiment.

Despite not being considered a lunar goddess, Melinoe’s influence is still present in Hades 2’s protagonist, who was raised and trained by Hecate. This alludes to Greek mythology, as some interpretations equate Melinoe with the goddess of witchcraft.

The shared design was quickly appreciated by other players, with one person comparing it to a friendship bracelet and others giving the quartet the nickname “Silver sisters.”

Despite not all Hades 2 designs receiving equal praise, there has been some criticism from fans regarding the updated appearance of Chaos, a returning character. Some players have expressed disappointment in the character’s more human-like appearance compared to the first game. However, it’s important to remember that the game is still in its early access stage, and not all designs are finalized. There is a possibility that Supergiant may choose to keep the current placeholder art in the final version.

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