Harry Potter Magic Awakened guide: Best decks for 1v1 mode

Harry Potter Magic Awakened guide: Best decks for 1v1 mode

Harry Potter Magic Awakened provides a unique combat system that has never been used in a Harry Potter game before. In this new RPG game released worldwide in the latter half of June, players can duel with other witches and wizards through cards. Cards are placed in a deck that contains any combination of eight spell cards and creature cards. Only the cards in the selected deck can be used in combat.

Collecting and upgrading cards is essential in ensuring you have good cards for use during a duel. However, creating a deck wherein the cards have good synergy and complement each other is of even greater importance.

A well-crafted deck will give you better chances of succeeding against other witches and wizards in the dueling club.

What are the best decks for 1v1 duels in Harry Potter Magic Awakened

Simply throwing a deck of cards together without understanding how they can benefit from one another will not result in a well-optimized deck and will most likely result in more losses than wins in the dueling club. Understanding what each card does in Harry Potter Magic Awakened is essential in creating a deck that is well-put together.

Furthermore, your deck needs to be appropriate to the situation that you are in. 1v1 battles will require you to create decks with more versatility since you won’t have a partner to cover any blindspots like in a 2v2 duel. Here are some of the best 1v1 decks in Harry Potter Magic Awakened.

Summoner’s Deck/Newt Scamander’s Deck

This particular Deck composition relies on summoning creatures to overwhelm your opponent and back them into a corner during a duel. Here are the best cards for this specific deck in Harry Potter Magic Awakened:

  • Bombastic Bomb Box
  • Ashwinder
  • Matagot
  • Niffler
  • Spiders
  • Swelling Solution
  • Expelliarmus
  • Ventus

At its core, the Ashwinder, Matagot, and the Spiders will be the backbone of your offense, while the Bomb Box will support them by increasing their damage, and the Swelling Solution will increase their Movement and Attack Speed. The Niffler will ensure you always have MP to summon more creatures to the field.

A few spell cards are needed to attack your opponents or their creatures, which is where Expelliarmus and Ventus come in. Expelliarmus is great for disarming opponents, while Ventus handles crowd control needs. As for your companions, the following will serve you well:

  • Lottie Turner
  • Daniel Page
  • Malfoy Gang

Daniel Page will keep you and your creatures healthy, while Lottie will keep you supplied with MP in case your Niffler gets attacked. Meanwhile, the Malfoy Gang will provide some extra damage and crowd control.

Dark Arts Deck

This deck will rely on the infamous forbidden spells from the books and movies. In Harry Potter Magic Awakened, these can be used to deal massive damage. It wears down your opponent by focusing on reducing their health quickly. These are the cards for this deck:

  • Avada Kedavra
  • Incendio
  • Sectumsempra
  • Priori Incantatem
  • Oppugno
  • Cornish Pixies
  • Acromantula’s Nest

Avada Kedavra deals considerable burst damage, and Priori Incantatem is best paired with it. Sectumsempra helps deal with several targets at once, and Oppugno will be your low MP cost damage-dealing spell. Incendio is your AoE spell but can be replaced by one with crowd-control effects. Meanwhile, Cornish Pixies and the Acromantula’s Nest will summon creatures to aid you.

As for your companions, these are the ones whom you should bring with you:

  • Ivy Warrington
  • Lottie Turner
  • Hermione Granger

Ivy can make summoned creatures and companions disappear, which is very useful since you’ll most likely be outnumbered with this deck. Lottie Turner will keep your MP high so you can keep casting Avada Kedavra. Thankfully, Avada Kedavra will not send you to Azkaban in Harry Potter Magic Awakened.

Defense deck

This deck will focus on playing defensively while waiting for openings to attack your opponent. These cards are the best for playing defensively in Harry Potter Magic Awakened:

  • Protego Totalum
  • Acromantula Venom
  • Piertotum Locomotor
  • Whomping Willow
  • Ashwinder
  • Nebulus
  • Expulso
  • Incarcerous

Protego Totalum will keep you behind a protective barrier that your enemy and their creatures must first destroy. Whomping Willow, Ashwinder, and Acromantula Venom will deal with them while they attempt to destroy your shield to get to you. Expulso and Incarcerous will be your spell cards to damage your opponent and their creatures directly until you can use Piertotum Locomotor.

Support yourself with the following companions:

  • Daniel Page
  • Frey Twins
  • Robyn Thristlewaite

Daniel will keep you and your creatures in good health, while Robyn’s AoE attacks will help deal with any creatures. The Frey Twins is a solid companion to use anytime since they deal decent damage, and there are two.

Plenty of other decks and card combinations for you to use, but these three are among the best and can help you become a better duelist when used correctly.

Don’t be afraid to mix things up by changing some of the cards, especially the lower level or standard cards but make sure not to throw off the composition of the decks by adding too many high MP cost cards or cards that do not jive well with your deck’s purpose. Also, explore the Forbidden Forest for Echoes that can complement your decks.

If you want to learn more about the best Harry Potter Magic Awakened decks, check out this guide for the best 2v2 decks.

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