He once quit the group due to school violence controversy! (G)I-DLE’s former member Sujin is back after a 2-and-a-half-year hiatus and will make her solo debut this month

(Cover image source: TVDaily, IG@_seosootang)

According to Korean media reports today, Sujin, a former member of the girl group (G)I-DLE, has signed with the new planning agency BRD Communications and is preparing for her solo debut in October.

Sujin debuted as the lead dancer and sub-vocalist of the girl group (G)I-DLE in 2018, and her excellent business capabilities have attracted many fans. In early 2021, some netizens broke the news that Suizhen was a perpetrator of school violence, accusing her of taking the lead in bullying in middle school and making the whistleblower’s sister and her friends slap each other in the bathroom. The victim still cannot get over the pain. The previous post that revealed that Suizhen smoked and drank while in junior high school was brought up again. Actor Seo Shin-ae also posted a post suggesting that she had been bullied by people around Suizhen. Many netizens broke the news one after another, causing a high degree of discussion on Korean nets.

(Source: TVDaily)

At that time, both Sujin and her agency CUBE Entertainment denied the school violence and filed a lawsuit against the whistleblower. However, after a long investigation, the police finally made the decision not to hand over the whistleblower (no suspicion) in March last year. The agency also issued a statement expressing respect for the police decision. There is still no follow-up to the various deeds that have been revealed on the Internet.

Due to the great impact of the bullying controversy, CUBE Entertainment decided that Sujin would suspend activities in March 2021, and officially announced her withdrawal from (G)I-DLE in August. The remaining members will continue activities as five people.

(Source: TVDaily)

After being silent for a long time, Suizhen opened her personal IG on June 30 this year to restart communication with fans. Immediately, some people speculated that she was preparing to return to the entertainment industry. Suizhen’s IG currently has 2.82 million fans, and each post has over a million likes.

Regarding the news of Su Jin’s comeback, most Korean netizens have a cold attitude (*does not represent the position of this website!): “Only the victims are pitiful””Many foreigners scolded Seo Shin Ae at that time, it will be more serious now””If so It makes sense, why did you quit the group in the first place?””Someone actually gave her an album.””She was probably targeting the foreign fan market.””It just happened to be the time when (another) YouTuber who was a victim of school violence died (* Pyo Ye-rim, the whistleblower known as the real-life version of “Dark Glory,”was recently found drowned by the police). There are also a few netizens who support her: “The school bully idols and drug-taking artists are shameless in their activities, so what can’t Suizhen do?”

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