Healing and Reviving Techniques in Towerborne

When facing hordes of Gobos in Towerborne, your survivability is crucial, making understanding how to stay alive just as vital as your weaponry. Here’s a helpful guide on how to heal and revive in Towerborne.

How to Heal in Towerborne

Gear loadout in Towerborne
Image Source: Stoic via Twinfinite

In contrast to many RPGs that provide numerous restorative items, survivability in Towerborne functions differently. There are no healing potions or consumable items available for healing or reviving yourself or teammates. Moreover, none of the currently playable classes have healing abilities.

Healing your character is accomplished by equipping specific gear items with restorative traits. For instance, you might equip a weapon or gear piece featuring a “Heal on Hit” ability. This ability allows you to regain HP with each enemy hit. Additionally, some gear pieces may offer passive healing abilities that restore HP gradually over time.

How to Revive in Towerborne

If your character falls in battle, there are two revival methods based on whether you’re playing solo or in a party. For solo players, when your character “dies,” one of your two extra “lives” is consumed (reminiscent of classic platformers), and your character will automatically revive, knocking back any nearby enemies in the process.

Life bar in Towerborne
Image Source: Stoic via Twinfinite

You can monitor your lives during a mission using the “life meter” next to your character’s icon in the top left corner (as illustrated above).

If you’re playing with a party, it’s your teammates’ responsibility to revive you. Similarly, you’ll need to approach a downed teammate and press the appropriate button to revive them. This process takes several seconds and leaves you vulnerable, so timing is essential.

Unlike some other games, in Towerborne, there’s no time restriction on how long a downed teammate can remain in that state before dying permanently. Take your time and ensure it’s safe to perform the revival.

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