Health benefits of Ayurvedic diet and how you can follow it

The Ayurvedic diet can seem like a mysterious practice, but it’s one that has been around for thousands of years.

It’s rooted in the belief that the universe is made up of five basic elements: air, water, fire, earth, and space. Each element is also categorized as either “hot” or “cold”. Apart from this important categorization of elements, a sixth element called “ether” acts as a balance between the other five.

What is the Ayurvedic diet?

The diet differs as per each dosha. (Image via Unsplash/Katherine Hanlon)
The diet differs as per each dosha. (Image via Unsplash/Katherine Hanlon)

The Ayurvedic diet is based on the Ayurvedic system of medicine. The word “ayurveda”means “life knowledge,”and it’s a holistic approach to health and wellness that sees food as more than just sustenance; it’s also about eating for your constitution and season.

Ayurveda teaches that everything in nature has its own unique balance, known as doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Each person has one predominant dosha but may also have some characteristics of another dosha in their personality or body type.

When you eat according to your prakruti, you will feel more balanced physically and mentally. As you are following nature’s rhythms rather than fighting against them by trying to eat foods that don’t work well with your body type (or force-feeding yourself something that doesn’t agree with you).

How does the Ayurvedic diet work?

Personalized diet as per your dosha (Image via Unsplash/Megumi Nachev)
Personalized diet as per your dosha (Image via Unsplash/Megumi Nachev)

The Ayurvedic diet is based on the five elements: earth, water, fire air and ether (or space). Each element has its own unique taste and texture. They also correspond to different body organs.

The earth element includes foods that are heavy or dry in nature like grains, beans and nuts. When you eat these foods, you feel full for more extended periods of time, which makes them great for weight-loss diets.

The water element includes foods like fruits and vegetables that are light but packed with nutrients like vitamins and minerals that help keep the body healthy from the inside out.

The other three types of food – fire/heat-producing items like spicy curries; airy ones like soups made with stock cubes – also fall in this category.

What are some benefits of Ayurvedic food?

Reduces stress and improves health (Image via Pexels/Gagan Kaur)
Reduces stress and improves health (Image via Pexels/Gagan Kaur)
  • Stress: Ayurveda helps you manage stress by focusing on good sleep, nutrition and exercise.
  • Digestion: It improves digestion by reducing inflammation, which causes many health issues including bloating and constipation/diarrhea.
  • Energy: You will experience an increase in energy, as you’re getting all of the nutrients the body needs to function optimally. You won’t feel tired or sluggish anymore.
  • Weight loss: The Ayurvedic diet helps you lose weight, as it focuses on eating foods that are low-calorie but still filling (like vegetables). That makes it easier for you to stay satisfied without overindulging on calories from sugar-filled foods like cookies or cake, which can lead to weight gain over time if had daily.

How can you follow the Ayurvedic diet?

Have seasonal vegetables, and maintain a balanced diet.(Image via Pexels/Pixabay)
Have seasonal vegetables, and maintain a balanced diet.(Image via Pexels/Pixabay)

1) Have foods that are in season.

2) Eat in moderation, and avoid eating too much dairy or meat.

3) Have a balanced diet, which means consuming a variety of foods from all the food groups (grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds), as well as healthy fats from avocados and olive oil.

4) Avoid having too many carbohydrates (breads/pastas/rice), as they can cause weight gain if you have too much of them.

5) Avoid salt and sugar, as these are addictive substances you don’t need for good health.

The Ayurvedic diet is a great way to improve your health and reduce stress. It’s also easy to follow and doesn’t require any special equipment or supplements.

If you’re interested in trying out this diet for yourself, consult with an experienced practitioner who can help guide you through the process.

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