Helldivers 2: New Weapons for Heavy Armored Enemies

Despite having a variety of tools at their disposal, Helldivers 2 still struggles to effectively combat one specific type of enemy – the heavily armored creatures known as Automatons and Terminids.

The world of Helldivers 2 is filled with heavily armored enemies, including the formidable Robot Devastators and the lethal Chargers. This makes them a significant threat to both liberty and the team fighting against them, especially when they possess the ability to ricochet attacks.

With ricochet now effectively eliminating Helldivers equipped with the incorrect weapons, there is no better opportunity to introduce additional armor-piercing tools.

Equipping the anti-tank Stratagem is a wise choice when faced with a heavily armored opponent as it is specifically designed for this purpose and eliminates the risk of ricochet. However, this may greatly restrict players who wish to optimize their loadout for multiple enemies, as the anti-tank Stratagem occupies the support weapon slot.

To encourage a wider selection of weapons among the community, we require new ones that are specifically tailored for dealing with stronger enemies.

One possibility is to introduce armor-piercing ammunition for specific weapons, or even primary weapons that are capable of penetrating armor. Another option for Arrowhead could be to include Stratagems that highlight vulnerable areas for players to target, providing a unique combat approach apart from simply shooting indiscriminately.

These designs would give players the opportunity to test out different metas and introduce a wider range of strategies for fighting in the name of democracy, instead of fans being limited to only one predetermined weapon choice.

The community is expressing similar sentiments, as many are requesting additional methods for defeating heavily-armored enemies, particularly at advanced stages where the entire team’s survival may depend on having access to Anti-Tank weapons.

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