Helldivers 2 Players Call for Magazine Buff to Improve “Terrible” Stratagem

At Level 8, Helldivers 2 players typically unlock the Guard Dog Rover as their first Guard Dog Stratagem. This autonomous drone is armed with a laser rifle, offering complete coverage during intense combat.

At Level 10, players can unlock the AX/AR-23 Guard Dog, an alternate version of the drone, by spending 7,500 Requisition Points. This drone uses the same AR-23 Liberator as the Divers’ primary weapon, which is automatically given to players at the beginning of the game.

Despite its laser-powered counterpart being more viable, the Guard Dog Liberator is not favored by Helldivers 2 users due to its small magazine size and reload limitations.

Upon conducting a test, Reddit user MrZiffie compared the magazine size of the drone’s weapon, the Guard Dog, to the primary weapon used by Divers, the Liberator assault rifle. It was discovered that the Guard Dog’s weapon has a noticeably smaller magazine.

Guard Dog Liberator has a smaller magazine size than the base gun byu/MrZiffie inHelldivers

Despite the lack of significant improvements in recent balance updates, the community is still calling for buffs due to the findings that have been presented. This is especially evident when comparing the regular Liberator, which has a mag size of 45, to the Rover drone’s 20-round mag. Furthermore, the Rover drone has the ability to continuously fire its laser for 45 seconds without needing to reload.

To enhance the effectiveness of the Guard Dog Liberator, a player in the Helldivers 2 thread suggested increasing its magazine capacity to 45 rounds. Additionally, the option to refill the drone’s ammo from supply boxes would further improve its efficiency.

Additionally, players suggested that AI enhancements be implemented to prevent both types of drones from targeting any structures with armor, such as Fabricators. This would enhance the effectiveness of each Stratagem, as currently the drones waste ammunition on indestructible structures.

Despite Developer Arrowhead’s consistent release of balance updates since launch, users persist in requesting adjustments that will enhance the primary weapons of Helldivers 2, in addition to Stratagems.

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