Helldivers 2 players invents new enemy and its terrifying

The players of Helldivers 2 are focused on an idea for a potential new enemy that could introduce a strong horror element.

A concept has emerged on the Helldivers 2 subreddit for a potential enemy inspired by Trapdoor Spiders.

These creatures, found in nature, have a unique ability to blend into their surroundings and patiently wait for unsuspecting prey to pass by. Once the opportunity arises, they swiftly capture their prey and devour it.

The game already includes an enemy similar to this concept, as Chargers have the ability to camouflage themselves as rocks and other terrain on more challenging levels. Expanding on this idea, the addition of underground pockets that players must be wary of would further enhance the gameplay.

The community appears to have mixed feelings about this idea; while some are terrified by it, others are fully onboard. One user perfectly captures this sentiment by stating, “Although it may be a terrible idea, it must happen.”

Similarly, a different player suggests that the Terminids in Helldivers 2 may possess scattered mines on their maps, just like the Automatons do. This could be a parallel feature between the two factions.

By allowing everyone to select a teammate to lure the enemies out from the nests, it also promotes teamwork and opens the door for coordinated attacks.

The idea has received a lot of love from fans, with one person even suggesting the possibility of exploring other variations that don’t necessarily result in the player’s immediate death. Instead, they could trap the player and require rescue from other players.

Despite the abundance of potential for additional enemies in Helldivers 2, many from the first game have yet to make an appearance. However, this fresh concept is garnering attention.

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