Helldivers 2 players warn of missions that threaten Super Earth

Helldivers 2 fans are fed up with a key player mistake costing Super Earth major planet losses.

Sure, Helldivers 2 includes some epic battles with powerful enemies, but you’re doing it for democracy. You will therefore often have to be a little more tactical with your battles. After all, no one wants enemies to take over a planet and move closer to Super Earth.

However, in the battle for freedom, some players seem to approach these tactics the wrong way. Now, other players are urging some fans to complete their missions, or risk facing major planet losses.

Helldivers must complete entire missions or face planet losses

Helldiverse 2 Characters
Arrowhead Game Studios

On Reddit, user LicensetoIll revealed that “farmers are losing us planets.” He also highlighted how leveling up, collecting samples, or just getting rich quick can negatively impact democracy and Super Earth.

“When you only do the quick kill missions and abandon the rest of the campaign, it gives the enemy a victory when it comes to the planetary/galactic campaign. Just to be clear: credit for victory/defeat on a planet is determined on an OPERATION basis, not a mission basis. You think you’re farming XP and Requisitions quickly, but you’re really farming losses for Super Earth quickly,” the user added.

Essentially, when you log into a game on Helldivers 2, you can usually choose between several missions. Each time you complete them you get rewards, but it doesn’t add to the win rate on the planet. Unless you complete all the missions in this section, which means the Automatons or Terminides are more likely to take control.

Farmers are losing us planets byu/LicensetoIll inHelldivers

The post itself quickly went viral, with many fans expressing their frustrations. However, one player pointed out that they “think part of the problem is that defense campaigns always include an evacuation mission, which in my opinion is by far the hardest mission type in the game exacerbated by some absolutely ridiculous enemy spawns at higher levels.”

Defense campaigns can take a lot of players’ time and are constantly labeled as difficult – so many fans may just quit the game soon after, or fail the mission which will result in a loss.

Other players stressed that the post and public service announcement “won’t change people’s minds.”They went on to talk about how developers could encourage players to complete full ops: “The only way to make campaigns successful is to give players worthwhile rewards. If awarded major orders, special armor, medals or samples. More people would focus on order and that would compensate the farmers.”

While many expressed their frustration, one user revealed that they “had no idea that completing the entire operation rewarded the cause, I’m sure most people just don’t know that yet.”

Whether it’s due to lack of experience, or just a desire to collect more samples, money, and XP, it’s clear that Super Earth could be in danger if players continue to abandon missions. Helldiverse 2.

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