Helldivers 2 Update Causes Issues with Ricochet Ability

The recent April 29 update for Helldivers 2 has brought about several changes to popular weapons, including nerfs and buffs. However, it appears that the ricochet feature has suffered the most significant impact.

The recent patch on April 29 has sparked controversy among players. Some are disappointed to find that their favorite weapons are now less effective, while others are excited to explore new meta strategies with previously overlooked tools now gaining popularity.

Despite the community’s enthusiasm for Helldivers 2, there is a significant problem that has surfaced – the ricochet feature. Instead of defeating the enemy, it is causing harm to Helldivers and has become a major concern.

In Helldivers 2, ricochet refers to the action of shooting an armored enemy and having the bullet ricochet off them. The recent patch addressed an issue where shots that ricocheted off heavily armored enemies would not properly hit the Helldiver who fired them.

Therefore, there is a growing possibility that your bullets may strike you, a fellow teammate, or potentially even a different adversary if you are fortunate enough.

Despite their efforts, the community has not been fortunate enough to see positive results, as evidenced by the numerous complaints and calls for the weakening of the changes.

Many players have been posting their recordings of the incident on the Helldivers 2 Reddit, leading to a heated debate over whether the ricochet itself is to blame or if it is the fault of the players.

Ultimately, while certain videos do show players getting shot from behind, the ricochet functionality is causing issues for players, particularly those utilizing scatter shot or shrapnel weapons.

Therefore, when playing Helldivers 2 in the near future, ensure that you use the appropriate weapons against heavily armored creatures, as failing to do so may result in your Helldiver meeting a swift end on your mission.

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