“Her dad is friends with somebody”: Rain claims Grace Van Dien is still in FaZe because of her industry connections

On Bradley Martin’s Raw Talk podcast, Nordan “Rain”recently opened up about why Grace Van Dien, aka Bluefille, is still part of FaZe Clan. The drama between these two content creators had been a highlight in the streaming community. On Bradley’s talk show, Rain revealed that the only reason Grace was still part of the organization was because of industry connections.

Rain and Bluefille’s confrontation in May 2023, which ended with the latter Twitch streamer leaving a room in tears, made it clear that Nordan was not a fan of FaZe signing this Stranger Things actress. While talking to Bradley, he revealed parts of a business meeting where that organization’s founders were told that losing Grace Van Dien could lead them to miss out on partnerships with McDonald’s and possibly Porsche.

“The first thing the guy told was, ‘Boys, how do you feel like Grace being in FaZe still?’ And everybody on the call — the four founders said, ‘Why? Why would she even want to be in a place where nobody wants her?’ And then he’s like, ‘We don’t care, but it’s UTA. We’ll lose McDonald’s,’ and I want to say he said ‘Porsche’… if we don’t keep Grace. Because her dad or somebody is friends with somebody.”

Rain reveals many inside FaZe are calling Grace Van Dien an “industry plant,”as losing her might cause the org to miss out on sponsorships

Timestamp 11:10

Rain and Grace Van Dien had been feuding online since before FaZe even announced that she would be joining the esporting organization as a creator. As it happens, the latter even spoilt this reveal days before the official press release, calling the latter’s inclusion in the group a “political move.”

On Bradley Martin’s Rawtalk, he reiterated his point, saying that the only reason the organization even signed her was as “damage control.”Rain has been beefing with FaZe’s upper management for quite some time, and this was another thing he addressed by saying:

“They used her as damage control. She didn’t get paid a dollar, that’s the saddest part. She took all that for free. She got sh*t on for free. But also it’s a UTA thing. The new guy that we are talking to, oh let me tell you something. This is why I don’t want to do a deal with them.”

UTA, or the United Talent Agency, is one of the major agencies that are used by a number of big streamers and content creators. As per FaZe Rain, this organization’s founders were told that removing Grace Van Dien would mean losing out on deals from certain big brands.

He further told the host that Bluefille doesn’t bring enough to the table and that the only reason she is still in this group is because she is an “industry plant.”Here’s what he said:

“It’s some sort of connection that they need her to come out because it’s not like she provides crazy numbers or, it’s not like she’s a person that’s dominating that they need her for her numbers. Someone on the call was like, ‘Bro, I can’t believe how much of an industry plant this person is.’”

FaZe Rain didn’t mince words while describing what an “industry plant’ is and attacked the decision to recruit Grace Van Dien, saying:

“If somebody is talented and they get put on by people and they’re a girl, it’s not an industry plant. If you’re talented and you get it, sure. But if you just get plugged in because your daddy knows people, like. You know what I mean, f*ck that!”

Twitter reactions to the clip

A clip of the incident was posted by esporting professional Hun2r and has gained quite a lot of traction on Twitter. Here are some general reactions to Rain’s statements about Grace.

Rain’s feud with his own organization has become quite a big deal in the esporting scene, and in the same podcast, he also mentioned that he would welcome it if Kick bought over FaZe Clan.

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