Hong Seok-cheon Opens Up About His Ex-Boyfriend’s Infidelity

During the August 26th airing of Channel A’s “Best Friend Documentary: Table for 4”, actress Lee Seung-yeon treated her close friends Yoon Da-hoon, Hong Seok-cheon, and Kim Ji-seong to a meal and a lively conversation. During their discussion about love, Lee Seung-yeon inquired about Hong Seok-cheon’s current love life, prompting him to openly share his past experiences with relationships.

Hong Seok-cheon acknowledged, “Living as my partner can be challenging, and I am grateful to anyone who is able to endure it.”Lee Seung-yeon praised Hong Seok-cheon for being someone who wholeheartedly embraces love, and he agreed by saying, “I am a true romantic at heart.”Lee Seung-yeon also pointed out, “You even had the courage to come out because of love. You are a true lover and enthusiast,”emphasizing Hong Seok-cheon’s unwavering passion for love.

hong seok cheon

Hong Seok-cheon shared details about his former partner, who was from the Netherlands. He revealed, “We were in a relationship for three and a half years and lived together. Despite the Netherlands being an open-minded country towards LGBTQ+ individuals, our home country was not, resulting in frequent disagreements between us.”He went on to say, “When we first met, he was not aware of his own sexual identity. He saw me at a club, instantly fell in love, and we began dating. However, he was married at the time and eventually divorced his wife to be with me.”

Despite their difficult relationship, Hong Seok-cheon and his partner attempted to make it work. They even moved to New York together, but unfortunately, his partner ultimately found someone else. Despite this, Hong Seok-cheon tried to salvage the relationship by sending financial support from Korea. Although the relationship eventually ended, Hong Seok-cheon continued to send money to his former partner for a year after their breakup.

Upon hearing the story, Kim Ji-seong showed sympathy while Hong Seok-cheon joked, “I am someone who puts everything on the line for love.”He playfully added, “Who knows, someone might confess to me after hearing this and I won’t be able to resist.”Yoon Da-hoon joined in with humor, saying, “But don’t forget, I’ll be screening potential candidates before they can approach you.”This showed their support and protection for Hong Seok-cheon.

Hong Seok-cheon’s moving story once again showcased his unwavering dedication to love, leaving viewers both surprised and touched by his genuine sincerity.

The source for the ranking article is Naver.

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