[Hot post on Korean Internet] The voice of IVE fans shocked the fans: the chicks are infested

(Cover image source: FB@IVE)

IVE is worthy of being the “first leader”(president of elementary school students)!

(Photo source: FB@IVE)

On October 8, IVE’s first world tour “SHOW WHAT I HAVE”since their debut was held at the Jamsil Indoor Stadium in Seoul. Different from the concerts of other idol groups, there were many elementary school students in the audience of this performance. Although they are young, the advantage is that there are many people. The childish voices of children resounded throughout the stadium when cheering. This scene was posted online by other fans after the concert, and it immediately sparked heated discussions:

1. Hahahaha, they are really all children.
2. There are chickens here and there
. 3. This is too cute.
4. I went to the scene and I was almost the same age as the parents of these children. It made me very uncomfortable. I’m sorry, but they are really cute, and I can tell that they like IVE very much.
5. I also went to the scene, and there must be an elementary school student in every row, and the support staff worked very hard
6. There were at least 5 in each row in the area where I was sitting, and I There were about 10 elementary school students sitting in the front row. They were not senior students. They were basically 8 or 9 years old. They were very serious about cheering and taking photos. Because they were so cute, I was always attracted to them. Their photography skills were not good. I can’t stand Jiao, I really want to help them take pictures
7. You are worthy of being the commander in chief
8. Zhang Yuanying is a sister
9. Noisy and cute
10. They are all children, what should I do, they are so cute
11. I There were children all around, hahahaha. When I saw Ive cry, they cried too. It made me laugh so hard.
12. I also went to see it. I was shocked. There were almost more than 1,000 parents standing in line outside waiting for their children, hahahahaha. 13. Haha
. Haha, sister Yuan Ying, please show me your feelings.
14. The chirping voice is so cute.
15. I only heard this voice when I accompanied my nephew to watch The Flash Musical. It was amazing.
16. Once in a bookstore. At the place where albums are sold, I saw little girls in grade 1 and 2 buying albums, accompanied by their fathers. They were so cute.

Original text: https://theqoo.net/square/2958187686

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