[Hot post on Korean Internet] TWICE Nayeon was sued by her mother’s ex-boyfriend for owing 600 million yuan, and the court ruled in favor: no need to pay back

(Cover image source: IG@nayeonyny)

Nayeon, a member of girl group TWICE, won a financial dispute lawsuit.

Previously, Nayeon’s mother’s ex-lover A filed a loan lawsuit against Nayeon’s mother and daughter, demanding that “Nayeon repay the 600 million Korean won (the same below) borrowed”and stated that “it was the fault of Nayeon’s mother.”I asked them to lend them living expenses and said they would repay them after Nayeon, who is still a trainee, debuts.”

After trial, although the court acknowledged the fact that A had remitted more than 500 million (KRW) to Nayeon within 12 years (August 2004-June 2026), it considered that the evidence was insufficient to determine that it was a loan, and finally sentenced A to If the lawsuit is lost, Nayeon does not have to bear any debt. JYP Entertainment, Nayeon’s agency, also stated that the company has no objection to the court’s decision, but if someone spreads false information on the Internet to maliciously attack Lin Nayeon, the company will take all legal means to pursue the responsibility.

Immediately after the verdict was made public, it attracted the attention of many netizens:

1. Nayeon is so pitiful, she was completely implicated

2. After supporting her for 12 years, it is indeed a bit strange to repay 600 million, but it is also a bit unreasonable. Before the debut, the living expenses and tuition fees of mother and daughter were provided by the other party, and the money was also earned by the other party.

3. Nayeon has worked hard during this time, take a good rest, and hope that she will only have happy things in the future.

4. He should sue Nayeon’s mother, why should he sue the child?

5. I was shocked by how Nayeon’s mother behaved.

6. It’s not 600 yuan, but 600 million yuan. Logically speaking, I should pay back a little bit.

7. Weird, why do adults let their children grow up before paying them back?

8. Nayeon is expected to be labeled “600 million”

9. Even now, 600 million is still not a small sum.

10. My ex didn’t have a good image, and now Lian Xi’s life is about to be dug up.

11. In fact, private mediation is the best way to give 200 million to 300 million, but it is the ex, and the unlucky one is Nayeon.

12. I don’t know if Nayeon’s mother works together and manages the bankbook together. If they live together, housework is not free. I don’t know the inside story so I can’t comment.

13. Are you all parties involved? The court has already issued a verdict. Why are there still people making random comments based on just a few lines of news reports? You don’t know the inside story. Anyway, the court ruled in favor of Nayeon’s side.

14. A bunch of people are talking about reason. Why should a third party be responsible for this reason?

15. How should I put it? This is quite a lot of money.

16. If you are a group of people who talk about justice and reason, then you should first pay back the money your parents raised you.

17. He did not appeal, but was written into news reports. This may be his purpose.

18. Isn’t this just like breaking up after a relationship, and the other party asks you for expenses during the relationship?


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