[Hot post on the Korean Internet] The reason why Jiang Cao, the author of “MOVING” prefers Disney+

(Cover image source: Disney+, TVDaily)

Jiang Cao, the original author of “Moving Power”, said in an interview on the 28th that she doesn’t like the double-speed playback function of some OTTs, and Disney+ does not provide this service. Jiang Cao believes that the rhythm arranged by the creator has its own intentions. He himself has subscribed to 8 OTTs and will watch them all, but he still can’t understand some people watching dramas at 1.5 times speed. Jiang Cao also thinks that Disney+’s update mode is great, that is, it releases 7 episodes at a time, and then releases 2 episodes a week. It feels like a movie is released every week: this week is Doo-sik and Mi-hyun’s movie, next week is Soo Won and Ji Hee’s movie.

(Source: Disney+)

In addition, Jiang Cao also mentioned that the most important thing when making a live-action series is “must be interesting”. Jiang Cao believes that the most important thing in a story is the characters, and hopes that the audience will patiently read the narrative of each character. In this age of impatientness, the only thing that can hold the audience to the end is “interesting”.

(Source: Disney+)
(Source: Disney+)

Comments from Korean netizens:
1. I also hate watching dramas at double speed
. 2. I don’t want to try watching dramas at double speed.
3. What’s the point of watching dramas at double speed? It’s like watching the commentary on YouTube and thinking you’ve watched the whole movie
4. The double speed just follows the plot, but that’s not all. The emotions, music, voices, etc. conveyed by the actors are all lost.
5. There is no double speed except for online classes…
6. Watching dramas at double speed can’t fit in, so I just watch the YouTube commentary version
7. Maybe I’m old and can’t watch the accelerated kkk
8. Haha, I didn’t even think about double speed.
9. Will my voice change if I double speed? This alone can’t be integrated…
10. Have you reached a world where you can’t even watch an episode at full speed… The stimulation is too strong…
11. Everyone says that watching short videos often hurts the brain, watching It’s true
12. I can’t do without double speed, I can’t read it without speeding up
13. After the end of the play, I want to finish it quickly, so I can kkk at 1.5 times speed 14.
I can understand it even if I read it at double speed, just like speed reading The same
15. Some dramas don’t want to get involved and just want to understand the plot quickly, which is not much different from online courses… If there is no double speed, this kind of work will not even watch it.
16. Curious about the content but feel bored will double speed.. . I can’t concentrate if I don’t speed
up. 17. I want to watch the next episode quickly, so I’m 1.5 times faster. Now there are subtitles, so I’m not afraid of not being able to keep up with (lines). Although I may miss the details, I will review them at normal speed when I encounter a good scene, so it doesn’t
. Good works can be watched at the original speed, weekend dramas and the like can be watched at double speed
20. I don’t use Disney+ because there is no double speed…
21. Disney+ may see this interview and go to develop double speed, because they found a function that only they don’t have

Source: https://theqoo.net/hot/2911225423

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