House of the Dragons Fans Blame Unexpected Character for Blood and Cheese

Fans of House of the Dragons are starting to attribute the blame for Blood and Cheese’s cruel deeds to an unexpected character.

Viewers were immediately immersed into a complex world of sorrow and retribution as House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 1 spared no details.

Through the pursuit of vengeance, the plot revolving around Blood and Cheese was devised and executed, revealing one of the most savage scenes in the series thus far.

Despite the fact that there are numerous characters who could be held responsible for the actions of Blood and Cheese, beginning with King Aegon Targaryen, it is surprising that fans have predominantly attributed the blame to Alicent Hightower. Caution: major spoilers for HOTD are included below!

Daemon Targaryen enlisted the help of Blood and Cheese to seek vengeance for the death of his youngest stepson, Lucerys Velaryon.

Even though they had not found their intended target, Prince Aemond, Blood and Cheese came across King Aegon and Queen Helaena’s children. As a result, they mercilessly killed Jaehaerys, who was Aegon’s eldest son and heir.

Despite being the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Criston Cole was absent during the murder as it was later revealed that he was preoccupied with engaging in sexual activities with Queen Alicent, the mother of Aegon and Helaena.

Alicent was immediately held responsible by fans for her grandson’s death, with one fan expressing their frustration on Twitter by stating, “Alicent was too busy entertaining that Hightower man while her grandbaby was being brutally attacked…what happened to respect and honor?”

One other spectator stated, “Alicent was preoccupied with her affair while her grandson was being executed.”

Another fan took it a step further by calling out both Alicent and Cristian for their actions in the situation, stating, “It’s outrageous that Alicent is having a fling with Criston Cole while her grandson is being attacked from all sides. The nerve and sheer hypocrisy of those two is astounding.”

Despite the unlikelihood of Alicent being able to save her grandson from the assassins, she and Criston should still be held accountable for not adequately protecting the most vulnerable members of the royal family.

Additionally, you have the option to view the complete House of the Dragon Season 2 release schedule and peruse our review of House of the Dragon Season 2.

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