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How to block, parry and dodge in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

How to block, parry and dodge in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, players who go on the offensive quickly find themselves on the losing side. Enemies do more damage than players, so not only will this tactic not work against bosses, but it will exhaust the main character long before that.

In order to beat Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, gamers will want to master defense and turn it into offense. This means defending (blocking), deflecting (parrying), and dodging attacks. Become invincible and suddenly these fearsome bosses won’t stand a chance anymore.

How to block blows?

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty blocks an opponent
  • Hold L1.

Defense and block reduces damage from most enemy attacks. Bosses and mini-bosses will still occasionally deal damage to players using this defensive tactic, but their numbers will be greatly reduced. Those who have invested in the right virtues will find that they can block for longer without accumulating negative spiritual energy.

Remember that even if the block is successful, some amount of spirit energy will be spent on it. If the bar goes all the way to the left, your character will be momentarily stunned, which can be devastating in a boss fight. On a positive note, unlike many games, holding down the block button doesn’t have any immediate negative effects, even if you’re not attacking.

Shielding is more beneficial than blocking or parrying as it doesn’t require good synchronization. However, some attacks highlighted in red will break through any block and must be either dodged or parried.

How to reflect or parry blows?

Fallen Dynasty Wo Long Reflects the Boss's Special Attack
  • Press the B/Lap button right before hitting.

The most experienced players will master the art of deflecting or parrying. This is a very timely defensive tactic; if done too early, the player will be set up to get hit hard. If done too late, the player will obviously get hit, causing them to run away in search of a place to escape.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has a unique player system. Unlike many other games, you don’t have to release the lock button (L1) to swerve. In the event of an incoming attack, it is best to actively block and then deflect on impact.

How to dodge a hit?

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty dodges enemy's bite attack
  • Move the left stick in any direction.
  • Press button B/circle.

Some attacks, especially long-range attacks, should not be reflected, but dodged. It is difficult to hit with an arrow, and even if successful, it does not immediately collide with the enemy, as it happens with melee enemies. Therefore, in such cases, prepare to evade.

This button is technically the same as the dodge button, except that a moving character will dodge and a frozen character will dodge. If the timing is right, the character will dodge and dodge at the same time. This meter can be retrieved from heavy weapons if players can switch melee weapons quickly.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

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