How Massive Iso Buffs Make Him Valorant’s Best Counter to the Operator

With the upcoming Valoran patch 8.11, Iso and a select group of Duelists are receiving significant buffs. This could potentially enable Iso to effectively counter the game’s most formidable weapon.

Riot Games provided a sneak peek of the upcoming patch by outlining adjustments to the agent’s Double Tap ability.

Iso’s shield ability no longer requires a kill to activate and has been updated to include two charges instead of one. Additionally, the ability will now reset upon obtaining two kills, increasing its effectiveness as a vital aspect of Iso’s kit.

The shield from the Double Tap is capable of absorbing one instance of damage from any source, providing players with the ability to block powerful attacks such as an Operator shot or a Raze rocket.

The Valorant community is beginning to understand the true extent of this buff’s power, as with the latest patch, checking for enemies around corners or dealing with sneaky Snipers will no longer be a problem.

Valorant Iso wallpaper
Riot Games

Players using Iso will now be able to challenge a Jett holding an angle with the Sniper Rifle without having to secure a kill first. This is possible by activating Double Tap and wide swinging the angle, allowing the player to withstand the Operator shot and eliminate the enemy.

“According to one Reddit user, the recent change to Iso allows players to peek the OP user without punishment at the beginning of the round. They also appreciate the fact that players can now use their E ability for a shield and then use their ultimate (X) to initiate a duel with the added protection.”

Riot has not yet verified whether or not the changes will allow Double Tap to be activated while in Iso’s ultimate. However, in the current patch, players who have their shield active after getting a kill will still have it in the one-on-one arena.

According to the community on the competitive Valorant subreddit, there is a more negative outlook towards the changes, as they believe that other agents can effectively counter the Operator with the use of smokes or flashes.

One user pointed out that while this agent may excel in gunfights, their overall kit is still lacking. They also argued that there is no need to specifically choose this agent to counter the OP, as there are many other agents with utility that can do so, even if it may not be as effective as iso’s shield.

Some individuals also noted that choosing Iso to counter a possible Operator purchase, which does not occur every round, would result in teams sacrificing a spot for another Duelist who possesses multiple useful abilities.

The impact of the changes on Iso and the other agents will not be revealed until the patch is released. However, Iso players should be ready to take on the role of entry as soon as they become aware that the opposing team is using the Operator.

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