How to Acquire Shadow Traces in Anime Vanguards

Gathering farming materials might rank as one of the most tedious aspects of Anime Vanguards (AV). However, it’s essential if you’re aiming to enhance your mythics and secrets and acquire the top-tier units, particularly Song Jinwu (Monarch).

Where to Acquire Shadow Traces in Anime Vanguards

Legends Stage selection menu in Anime Vanguards
Image Source: Kitawari via Twinfinite

To obtain Shadow Traces in Anime Vanguards, you must farm the Double Dungeon Legend Stage Act 2. To unlock this and all other Legend Stages, you need to complete all story acts. You can do this on Normal difficulty; Nights (Nightmare difficulty) are not mandatory. Once completed, you’ll have the option to select Legend Stages instead of Story at the stage selection menu’s bottom.

Be aware that this specific stage does not require you to hit the statues like the one featuring Igris, which makes scripts even more valuable. Additionally, it’s structured in such a way that players without meta units can succeed. Hence, you don’t have to prioritize getting Monarch on your Kinaru; just dive in and play!

What Are Shadow Traces in Anime Vanguards

Player acquiring Shadow Traces in Anime Vanguards
Image Source: Kitawari via Twinfinite

In Anime Vanguards, Shadow Traces are crucial materials for evolving and ascending Song Jinwu. Evolving him requires 12 Shadow Traces, while ascending him necessitates 3, 6, and 9 traces respectively (number of stars * 3). Since you typically earn around 2 per clear, you’ll need approximately 6 clears for evolution and minimum 9 clears for maximum ascension.

The great news is that you can farm Shadow Traces alongside Green Essence Stones, which are also necessary for evolutions. It’s advisable to avoid using Green Essence Stones for crafting. Instead, focus on farming Challenges to obtain stones in other colors because otherwise, you will find yourself grinding through Legend Stages for Green Essences later on.

In conclusion, this covers all the essential information you’ll need to start farming Shadow Traces in Anime Vanguards. Don’t forget to bookmark Twinfinite for more AV content, including guides on how to unlock Paragon mode, equip mounts, and acquire secret units.


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