Astel, a powerful boss hailing from the Void, is undoubtedly one of the most unforgettable encounters in Elden Ring. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know to defeat Astel, including its location, weaknesses, and other crucial details.
Ranni the Witch’s storyline in Elden Ring leads the Tarnished through a mysterious Manor, the enchanted remains of an underground metropolis, and the haunting wailing dunes to confront a demigod. Yet, the most unforgettable segment of the quest occurs towards the end, as players face off against the chilling Astel, the Naturalborn of the Void boss.
Known for its unusual appearance, the insectoid can be a formidable enemy due to its ability to use various Gravitational attacks that can deplete your HP. To learn how to locate and defeat Astel in Elden Ring, read on.
- Elden Ring: Astel boss fight location
- Elden Ring: Astel boss fight recommended level
- Elden Ring: Astel boss fight guide
- Elden Ring: Astel boss fight rewards
Elden Ring: Astel boss location
To reach Astel, the Naturalborn of the Void in Elden Ring, simply follow these instructions:
- To reach the Grand Cloister Site of Grace, one must first make their way across the Lake of Rot.
- Descend from the site and continue west, running past all the centipede enemies.
- Eventually, you’ll see a herd of centipedes holding up their glaives, take the path towards their left.
- Once you spot a waterfall of rot, jump in the coffin sitting on the edge.
- You’ll now be transported to a cavern, just head straight past the fog gate to start the fight.

The Coffin will take you straight to the boss fight.
Traversing the Lake of Rot comes with the consequence of sustaining significant injury and potentially accumulating Scarlet Rot. To avoid this, be sure to restock your Flasks and bring along Preserving Boluses. Additionally, be prepared to encounter numerous adversaries during your journey, making it advisable to sprint past as many as you can.
Elden Ring: Recommended Level for Astel Boss Fight
It is recommended to reach level 60 before facing Astel in Elden Ring. Ensure that your primary weapon is properly upgraded and your Spirit Ashes are at least +6.
Elden Ring: Astel boss battle tips
To be successful in defeating Astel in Elden Ring, it is essential to be cautious of its AoE attacks and become acquainted with the animations for its Gravity moves. The most effective strategy is to approach Astel, strike a few times near its head, and then retreat before it can retaliate. It is important to not become overzealous and attempt long combos, as Astel will punish you for doing so.
To simplify the task, you can utilize sturdy Spirit Ashes like a Mimic Tear or Black Knife Tiche. These summons will divert the boss’s attention while you approach and strike its head. Additionally, avoid locking on to the boss while evading or navigating the surroundings for increased agility. Keep in mind that Astel is vulnerable to Scarlet Rot and Poison.
As soon as you enter the boss room, a laser is likely to be fired at you. Instead of moving towards the sides, try rolling through it. While running towards the boss to close the distance, be aware that it can also attack with its tail. You must avoid all of its attacks until you are close enough to start attacking yourself.

Attack the head to dish out maximum damage.
Being ready for the Gravitational attacks is essential, as they are often signaled by Astel lifting his head and ascending into the air. When you see this, make sure to distance yourself from the boss as it will probably crash down with an AoE attack.
One more threat that you must be cautious of is the powerful bite of Astel. The creature will begin by clicking its mandibles and swiftly lunging forward to grab you. If it manages to catch you, there is no chance of escaping, and you will have to witness a significant decrease in your health.
When Astel’s health reaches approximately 50%, the boss will suddenly teleport and unleash a barrage of meteorites towards you. The most effective method of survival is to move towards the boss and roll through the meteorites. Additionally, it is important to note that the boss can also disappear and reappear directly above you. To prevent being caught, it is recommended to quickly run away.
The boss moves menacingly around the arena, goading you to approach or risk being struck by its formidable long-range attacks. I was initially taken aback by the way Astel coiled its tail before slamming it down, or the clicking of its mandibles as it swooped in for an assault. However, after a few tries, you will become accustomed to these peculiar actions and learn to anticipate its attacks.
Elden Ring: Astel boss rewards
Upon defeating Astel, the Naturalborn of the Void in Elden Ring, you will receive a reward of 80,000 as well as the Remembrance of the Naturalborn. This Remembrance can be given to Enia at Roundtable Hold in exchange for a unique weapon or a special Ash of War.
That covers all the information on the Astel boss fight in Elden Ring. In order to continue, you must obtain the Ring of Oath, which our guide can provide more details on.
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