How to Change Difficulty in 7 Days to Die: Tips & Tricks

There are various options in 7 Days to Die that allow you to personalize your server, including the ability to choose a difficulty level for the overall world.

Discover the optimal level of difficulty to play on and learn how to adjust it, including a comprehensive guide to modifying advanced settings for a personalized server experience.

Best Difficulty in 7 Days to Die

The ideal difficulty setting for playing 7 Days to Die is Nomad. This provides a well-rounded gameplay experience where you will encounter challenging battles and must put in effort to gather resources, without being overwhelmingly difficult to handle.

The game features six different levels of difficulty:

  • Scavenger: The easiest difficulty
  • Adventurer: The default setting
  • Nomad: For more experienced FPS players
  • Warrior: Fights against zombies are quite difficult
  • Survivalist: Extremely challenging world
  • Insane: The highest difficulty setting
Server settings in 7 Days to Die
The Fun Pimps

You can set your server settings when you start a new one.

Ultimately, the decision of what difficulty to play on is up to you. Nomad offers the best overall experience without being overly challenging, but you can still select your desired difficulty before starting your server in the General Settings.

How to Change the Difficulty in 7 Days to Die

  1. Leave your server and go back to the main menu.
  2. Click on ‘Continue Game.’
  3. Select the server you want to change your settings on.
  4. Navigate to the difficulty settings on the right hand side of the screen and select your new settings.
  5. Reconnect to the server.

You have the ability to modify your server’s settings to your preference, including the Multiplayer settings if you are playing with friends and want to create a more welcoming or PvP-oriented environment. Simply refer to the instructions above to adjust any other settings.

Server settings menu in 7 Days to Die
The Fun Pimps

You can change your server settings at any time by exiting the server.

Advanced Settings Explained

In 7 Days to Die, you have the option to adjust advanced settings such as Blood Moon frequency, zombie speed, loot abundance, and more to increase the game’s difficulty. We have provided a list of all the customizable settings for your server below.


  • Blood Moon Frequency: The frequency at which Blood Moons occur (can be disabled).
  • The “Blood Moon Range”determines the timeframe during which a Blood Moon can occur. For instance, if it is set to 2 days, a Blood Moon can potentially happen up to 2 days after its expected date.
  • Blood Moon Alert: Specify the time of day when the Day Number will display in red.
  • Undead Population Limit: The maximum number of zombies that can exist simultaneously per player.
  • Zombie Day Speed: Refers to the speed of zombies during daylight hours.
  • Speed of Zombies at Night: Refers to how fast zombies move at night.
  • The speed of zombies when they are in a Feral state.
  • Zombie Blood Moon Speed: Zombie speed during the Blood Moon.
  • Zombie Feral Sense: Adjust the level of visibility and audibility for zombies towards you.
  • Air Drops: Sets how often air-dropped supplies happen in-game.
  • Show Airdrops: Indicates whether airdrops are visible on the map.


  • Player Block Damage: Affects the amount of damage players can deal to blocks.
  • AI Block Damage: Adjusts the amount of damage AI can deal to blocks.
  • AI Blood Moon Block Damage: Scales AI block damage during the Blood Moon.
  • Abundance of Loot: Refers to the amount of loot that is generated in containers and on zombies.
  • The loot respawn time determines the frequency at which loot will reappear if there are no players in the vicinity.
  • Chunk Reset Time: The interval of in-game days before a Chunk reverts to its original state if it remains unvisited or unprotected (can be turned off).
  • Death Penalty: What you lose or are penalised with when you die (can be disabled).
  • Drop on Death: This refers to the items that will be dropped when you die. It can be configured to automatically delete all of your items upon death.
  • Drop on Quit: What items you drop when you quit (can be disabled).
  • Toggle Enemy Spawning: This feature allows you to control whether zombies will spawn in the world or not.
  • Enable creative mode and tools: Determines whether creative mode and tools are permitted.
Advanced server settings in 7 Days to Die
The Fun Pimps

You’ve got a lot of settings to play around with for your server.


  • Player Killing: Determine the status of PvP, including the ability to kill allies and strangers.
  • Claim Size: Adjust the size of your Land Claim.
  • Adjusting Deadzone: Modify the proximity in which players are allowed to place their Land Claims.
  • Claim Duration: The time limit during which a player can be offline before their Claim expires.
  • Claim Decay Mode: How much a Land Claim’s hardness modifier decays over time.
  • Claim Health Online: Claim hardness modifier for players who are online.
  • Claim Offline Decay: The time it takes for a Land Claim hardness to transition from online to offline.
  • Bedroll Deadzone: The size of the area surrounding the Bedroll where zombies are unable to respawn.
  • Bedroll Duration: Number of days a Bedroll stays active while the owner is offline.
  • Shared Kill Range at Parties: This refers to the distance within which you must be with other players in order to share experience points and quest kills.
  • Game Port: The number others use to connect to your server.

A hardness modifier is a measure of the amount of effort required to break down a particular material. This can be adjusted in Multiplayer servers for Land Claims, allowing players to control whether or not other bases can be tampered with by other players.

Difficulty Tiers in 7 Days to Die Explained

In 7 Days to Die, you will also encounter another challenge in the form of skulls that appear on your screen upon entering a new area. These skulls indicate the level of difficulty in terms of the quantity and variety of zombies present in that area.

The lowest Tier is 0, while the highest is Tier 5. In these challenging areas, it is common to encounter radiated zombies, so it is important to be prepared in case you run into one.

Regardless of your challenge, it is crucial to establish your base in a suitable location in order to withstand Blood Moon Hordes and create necessary equipment to increase your strength. After surviving the initial night, you will have a better understanding of whether or not you should adjust your settings to match your preferred style of play.

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