How to complete Bug Out 2024 Collection Challenges

The 2024 Pokemon Go Bug Out event has four Collection Challenges that are generating a lot of excitement among players who are eager to complete them as soon as possible. To help you catch all the featured Pokemon, here is a guide on how to successfully complete each of the Collection Challenges.

As the Bug Out 2024 event continues, Pokemon Go players are enthusiastically capturing Bug-type Pokemon in the wild, participating in Raids, completing Field Research tasks, and conquering Collection Challenges.

This highly anticipated yearly occasion features not just one or two, but a total of four Collection Challenges this year. You may be curious about how to complete them as quickly as possible.

To successfully complete the Pokemon Go Bug Out 2024 Collection Challenges, follow these steps.

Pokemon Go Bug Out 2025 date & time

The Bug Out 2024 event for Pokemon Go begins on April 12, 2024 at 10 AM local time and will continue until 8 PM local time on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.

Mastering the Bug Out 2024 Collection Challenges

To successfully complete the Pokemon Go Bug Out 2024 Collection Challenges, follow these steps for catching all the species.

Bug Out Collection Challenge 2

Pokemon How to get Pokemon sprite
Caterpie In the wild
Metapod Evolve Caterpie
Butterfree Evolve Metapod
Weedle In the wild
Kakuna Evolve Weedle
Beedrill Evolve Kakuna

Survival Kit Essentials

Pokemon How to get Pokemon sprite
Sewaddle In the wild
Swadloon Evolve Sewaddle
Leavanny Evolve Swadloon
Combee In the wild
Vespiqueen Evolve female Combee

Survival Gear Collection Challenge 3

Pokemon How to get Pokemon sprite
Dwebble In the wild
Crustle Evolve Dwebble
Kricketot In the wild
Kricketune Evolve Kricketot
Cutiefly In the wild
Ribombee Evolve Cutiefly

Ultimate Bug Out Collection Challenge

Pokemon How to get Pokemon sprite
Ninada In the wild
Ninjask Evolve Nincada

Pokemon Go Bug Out 2024 Collection Challenge Prizes

All the rewards for completing the Bug Out 2024 Collection Challenges in Pokemon Go are listed below:

  • Collection Challenge 1: 50 Beedrill Mega Energy and Beedrill encounter
  • Collection Challenge 2: 50 Pinsir Mega Energy and Pinsir encounter
  • Collection Challenge 3: 50 Scizor Mega Energy and Scizor encounter
  • Collection Challenge 4: Shedinja encounter

To successfully complete the Collection Challenges in the Pokemon Go Bug Out 2024 event, this is all the information you need to know. For additional content related to the game, be sure to explore the following:

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