How to Complete The Disruptor Elusive Target in Hitman 3 with Silent Assassin

The Disruptor is the newest elusive target to be introduced in Hitman 3. You can find out when he will be appearing and the various methods we have uncovered to eliminate him without compromising your Silent Assassin rating.

Professional MMA fighter Conor McGregor is the latest celebrity to make an appearance in Hitman 3, joining the likes of Sean Bean, Jason Isaacs, and Gary Busey as one of Agent 47’s unfortunate acquaintances. Players can now access McGregor’s character as part of the game’s current event, The Season of the Disruptor.

Just like the other Elusive Targets in Hitman 3, taking down McGregor’s The Disruptor will demand a specific skill set and plenty of strategic thinking.

When will The Disruptor be available in Hitman 3?

The Disruptor can be accessed in Hitman 3 from June 27th to July 29th at the Isle of Sgail location. During this time, all Hitman players can play at the Isle of Sgail for free.

Best Loadout for The Disruptor

To defeat the Disruptor without any additional gear, we suggest the following items for your loadout:

  • Any suit
  • Harbor or Reception Area starting location
  • Silenced pistol
  • Coin
  • Lockpick
hitman 3 disruptor loadout
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The best loadout to take into The Disruptor.

While not all of these items are necessary, having a coin can be helpful in diverting a specific NPC’s attention. Additionally, we have discovered that using the silenced pistol to take out certain cameras can be quite advantageous.

Completing The Disruptor with a Silent Assassin Rating

To achieve a Silent Assassin rating in The Disruptor, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Complete the mission
  • Only kill targets
  • No bodies found
  • No noticed kills
  • Do not get spotted
  • Erase camera evidence if you are spotted

Additionally, there is an extra condition stating that Quinn, The Disruptor’s adversary in the altercation, must remain unharmed. While this is not mandatory, it is necessary for achieving Silent Assassin status to ensure his survival throughout the mission.

There are multiple methods for taking down the target, including a primary mission storyline as well as numerous secondary and tertiary opportunities for elimination. Since The Disruptor is confined in a cage for most of the mission, it will be necessary to lure them away from the public eye in order to carry out the kill.

During a break between rounds, The Disruptor will exit the cage and navigate around the map in a loop.

  • He’ll first go up the stairs to the bar and ask for a glass of Atlantide water
  • He’ll then enter the nearby gate and enter the chapel
  • In the chapel he’ll speak with another character and then enter the gym where he works out
  • After this, he may go back to the bar. Otherwise, he’ll leave the chapel via the far side exit and make his way to the Back Stage area ready to start the fight again
hitman 3 disruptor conor mcgregor
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You can find The Disruptor in the Upper Courtyard

No Holds Barred mission story

The ‘No Holds Barred’ mission is the main method for defeating The Disruptor. According to the rules, a fighter can opt to replace another fighter in the fight. Since the fight is a fight to the death, we will strategize to remove Quinn from the battle without causing any harm.

From the start of the level, make your way to the upper courtyard outside of the chapel, where the large Phoenix Effigy is typically found in the main story. However, for this mission, the space has been modified to accommodate a small boxing ring in the center.

As you approach the cage, you will come to the guard who is preventing anyone from entering. The Master of Ceremonies will then announce The Disruptor, who will make their way down a nearby staircase and enter the cage. The fight will soon begin and you will need to figure out how to initiate a roundbreak.

As the fight commences, maneuver your way around the cage and make your way to the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the bar area. Due to your formal attire, a guard will deny your entry. Instead, continue to your left and you will come across a secluded area at the end of the opening, providing an opportunity to sneak past the guards.

There are an excessive amount of enforcers patrolling the next area, making it unsafe for you to roam around in your suit. Therefore, deactivate the power unit from behind the curtain and wait for an Initiate to come and inspect. Subdue him while he is examining the machine and conceal his body in the nearby trunk. After taking his disguise, exit the curtained area and proceed up the stairs.

After reaching the top of the stairs, take a right and locate the small balcony with a table and a small bell. Wait for the fight to start and ring the bell to signal a roundbreak. This will prompt Quinn and The Disruptor to exit the cage. Hurry downstairs and continue following Quinn to avoid losing sight of him.

hitman 3 disruptor conor mcgregor
hitman 3 disruptor conor mcgregor
hitman 3 disruptor conor mcgregor

As he begins his walk towards the castle walls, he will eventually come across a guard checkpoint. With the Initiate disguise, it will be impossible to pass this point. Instead, head back down the walkway towards the Reception Area. Just before reaching the archway that leads to the next room, a pipe on the right-hand wall can be climbed.

As Quinn heads inside the nearby building and climbs up the pipe onto the castle wall, wait patiently. Then, carefully follow and make your way to the right-hand side of the building. Once there, locate the switchbox and disable it. This will prompt Quinn’s bodyguard to investigate.

Instead of immediately grabbing Quinn’s disguise and entering the building to knock him out, we discovered it was actually easier to wait for a moment. Quinn’s guard can be taken out and his body can be placed in the nearby trunk, and then Quinn himself will investigate the switchbox.

Regardless of the method, make sure to subdue Quinn and take his disguise. This will prevent any trespassing in the area and allow you to return to the cage to prepare for your fight with The Disruptor. Walk back through the guard checkpoint and locate the entrance to the cage.

hitman 3 disruptor conor mcgregor
hitman 3 disruptor conor mcgregor
hitman 3 disruptor conor mcgregor
hitman 3 disruptor conor mcgregor
hitman 3 disruptor conor mcgregor
hitman 3 disruptor conor mcgregor

When The Disruptor returns, you should interact with him to prepare for the next fight. The battle will commence as soon as you are in position. You must avoid his attacks by pressing the G key when prompted, and then quickly tap the X key to attack and fill a bar. The timer for this action is approximately five seconds, so be sure to tap quickly. Repeat this process a few times and The Disruptor will be defeated.

After successfully eliminating The Disruptor, Diana will direct you to proceed towards an exit. The most convenient exit would be the same way you entered. Exit the cage and make your way towards the Reception Area, then pass through the gate and head towards the harbor. You will find a boat waiting for you at the harbor to make your exit.

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If you have successfully adhered to the guidelines for obtaining Silent Assassin, you should currently hold a five-star rating in The Disruptor.

Alternative Methods to Kill The Disruptor

If you are not interested in pursuing the No Holds Barred mission story, there are several alternative methods available for eliminating the target. Here are a few of the other methods we have uncovered thus far:

Poison him at the bar

In order to successfully complete this task, it is advisable to include a deadly poison in your equipment. At a certain point, your target will request a glass of Atlantide from the bar. The kitchen, where the bottle of Atlantide can be found, is situated in the same area. To access the kitchen, proceed to the opposite side of the bar and go through two sets of doors. This will lead you to the funeral area from the main storyline.

Proceed to your right and descend the stairs to reach the kitchen pantry. Utilize your lockpicking skills to gain access through the door. Inside, you will encounter two kitchen staff conversing. Create a diversion for the man on the opposite end of the shelves with a coin and incapacitate him to steal his clothes. Afterwards, retrieve the bottle of Atlantide and rat poison from the shelf before returning to the bar.

hitman 3 disruptor atlantide location
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The Atlantide bottle is located in the kitchen and pantry areas.

Place the glass on the bar and instruct the employee to leave. Proceed to serve drinks and contaminate the glass with either emetic rat poison or lethal poison. When The Disruptor returns to the bar, you will have the opportunity to offer him a drink.

Using lethal poison will cause him to immediately die. However, if he consumes emetic poison, he will vomit in a nearby sink of water, allowing you to drown him. Just ensure that no one from the bar sees you, although most individuals will likely have their attention elsewhere.

Eliminate Distractions During Your Workout

During the mission, either obtain Quinn’s guard disguise or find one from other locations on the castle walls. Once you have the disguise, you can enter the chapel, where The Disruptor’s private gym is located, and assist him during a break.

As soon as the target starts lifting weights, his guards will avert their gaze, giving you the opportunity to snap his neck. This action will go unnoticed until you exit the vicinity.

Disguise as Master of Ceremonies

During an intermission, the Master of Ceremonies will make their way to the upper backstage area for a period of time. By climbing through a wall located in the curtained section (where the Initiate disguise was initially acquired) and exiting through a window, one can reach the backstage area without being noticed.

Subdue the MC in this area and acquire his disguise. Afterwards, proceed to the chapel and approach The Disruptor in his gym. You can then lure him to a secluded location and eliminate him without drawing any attention.

We suggest bringing him to the top of the Chapel, as there are no other NPCs present and the location offers a convenient spot to dispose of the body.

Sabotaging Ringwalk Fireworks

In the Back Stage area, there is a room where a guard and two custodians are working. You can reach this room by climbing through the window in the curtained area and turning right. If you are in possession of a custodian disguise, you can enter this room without breaking any rules.

Take a wrench from the nearby table and use it to manipulate the pressure valve, causing the fireworks to overload. When The Disruptor returns to the cage, the malfunctioning fireworks will result in his explosion.

Shooting the target with a cannon

There is an old cannon positioned on the castle ramparts near the bar, aimed directly at the stage where The Disruptor enters the cage. This ancient weapon can be utilized to blow him up from a distance.

To operate the cannon, you will require two essential items: a Cannonball and a Bag of Gunpowder. The Crypt area, located near Back Stage, is where you can obtain a cannonball, while the Bag of Gunpowder can be found on the Keep roof. Both locations have been clearly marked on the map provided below.

hitman 3 disruptor isle of sgail bag of gunpowder location
hitman 3 disruptor isle of sgail cannonball location

Return these items to the cannon and place them at the front. Wait for the target to appear in the center of the stage, then fire the cannon at them.

Drop a speaker on him

This kill may seem simple, but it is difficult to execute without being noticed. At the start of every roundbreak, The Disruptor will leave the cage and take a brief moment to change his attire.

At this moment, there is a sizable speaker positioned directly above him that can be shot to drop onto his head. The timing is crucial here, as it is necessary to wait until he has changed his attire and is just about to resume walking. If you miss your opportunity, you will have to restart if you want to try again.

The ideal spot for this task would be atop the chapel, as it offers privacy and allows you to go unnoticed. Fortunately, this spot can be selected as a starting point in your loadout, and you can also bring a sniper rifle to assist with your targeting.

These are the various methods we have discovered for eliminating The Disruptor in Hitman 3. If you are interested in attempting other elusive targets in Hitman, our guides on defeating The Undying Returns and The Drop are essential.

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