How to copy and paste builds in Minecraft

How to copy and paste builds in Minecraft

Minecraft builds can vary with build time as well as size and scope. Not to mention they can be incredibly resource-heavy, so recreating them can be expensive and time-consuming in some circumstances. Fortunately, there are many ways to bypass recreating a build block by block, both via third-party applications and by using Mojang’s own game engine.

While some Minecraft fans prefer to copy and paste builds using software like the WorldEdit mod, it isn’t exactly necessary. As long as players have access to the cheat console, they can use Mojang’s structure blocks to save a build and place it elsewhere with just a few keystrokes and clicks.

For curious Minecraft fans who want to use structure blocks to copy and paste a build, it doesn’t hurt to examine the process.

How to copy and paste Minecraft builds with structure blocks in Version 1.20

Thanks to the debut of structure blocks, Minecraft players can select a given area where blocks and entities are located and copy them to the blocks’ memory. Then, with an additional structure block, fans can head to a new location, place the block, and load up the same build highlighted before.

Unfortunately, this method doesn’t tend to work on multiplayer servers since cheats tend to be disabled. However, if one is playing single-player with cheats enabled or on a server that allows commands, copying and pasting a build with structure blocks shouldn’t be too difficult.

Copy/paste builds with structure blocks in Minecraft

  1. Begin by opening your command console and entering “/give @s structure_block 2″to give yourself two structure blocks.
  2. Find the build you’d like to copy and place one of your structure blocks in one of its corners. Interact with the structure block to open its UI.
  3. Name your structure, whatever you’d like, then press the “load”button in the bottom left of the UI twice to set it to Save Mode.
  4. Under the structure size field, enter the XYZ coordinates of the selection area. Once you enter the coordinates, you’ll notice a box pop up in the game that shows the area the structure block will capture. Enter the coordinates so your entire build is within the outlined box. Then click the “entity”and “blocks”buttons/sliders to determine whether you’d like to capture and save any entities or invisible blocks in the build. When everything’s ready, click the “save”button at the bottom right of the interface. You should see a command that reads something like “structure saved as “minecraft:examplename”.
  5. Head to where you’d like to paste your structure and place your second structure block, then interact with it to open its UI.
  6. In the name field, enter the name you used for the structure you saved in Step 4. Then press the “load”button in the bottom right of the UI. You should receive a message that the area has been prepared.
  7. Open the structure block and press the load button once more. The build should be pasted in the outlined area defined by the structure block.

That’s all there is to it. In addition to using structure blocks, players can use the /clone command in Minecraft, though this requires a trickier process that includes precise coordinates. Furthermore, mods like WorldEdit are also helpful since they provide simple-to-use tools, but this does require downloads and installations

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