How to customize faces in Content Warning

One crucial aspect of Content Warning is your response, and therefore, it is necessary to have the ideal expression for those flawless content shots.

If you’re playing with friends, you may also consider altering your appearance to stand out among your group. Therefore, here is a guide on how to change your face in Content Warning.

How to customize your face in Content Warning

To alter your appearance in Content Warning, you must interact with the TV screen located inside the house.

  1. After loading up the game, proceed to the TV screen.
  2. To interact with it, press E.
  3. To clear the default face, use the Backspace key on your keyboard.
  4. Write whatever you desire on the screen.
  5. Click ‘Apply.’
the TV screen in Content Warning
Landfall Games

You can change your face to anything you’d like.

When spawning in the house, you will see the TV on your immediate right. By interacting with it, you can select your desired face color and size, rotate it, and either type in or select the character you prefer.

Don’t forget to have fun with it as well! You can use emoticons to make any face you can imagine, or even spell out your initials or create classic UwU and OwO reactions using letters.

If your keyboard has the ability to reassign keys, you can also try out symbols that are not typically found on a QWERTY keyboard.

If you are playing with friends, it is important to change your face so that you can easily identify who is holding which type of equipment. Alternatively, you can all have matching faces to add some chaos to the game.

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