How to Defeat Hunters in Helldivers 2: Locations, Weaknesses, and Best Weapons

In Helldivers 2, Hunters are agile Terminids with the ability to stun players. To effectively eliminate these bugs, it is important to target their weaknesses and select the best weapons for the job.

Despite the numerous dangerous adversaries present in Helldivers 2, the Terminids remain the most iconic faction in the game. With their innate armor, quickness, and lethal talons, these beings possess an unquenchable desire for human flesh, making you their frequent prey.

Similar to the rest of the enemies in Helldivers 2, Terminids vary in their forms, sizes, speeds, and levels of difficulty. Yet, among the most lethal creatures within this army, the Hunter stands out as one of the most formidable.

If you’re seeking help with completing missions in Helldivers 2 or need assistance locating and defeating Hunters, our guide has you covered.

Hunter Locations in Helldivers 2

Hunters can be found in all sectors of the map that are infested with Terminids and are present on all difficulty levels. However, the first time you will come across one is during missions of ‘Medium’ difficulty.

These agile creatures can be found everywhere, so you won’t need to specifically search for them in remote locations on the map.

Additionally, on higher difficulty levels, they are even more prevalent, often appearing in large groups during patrols or Bug Breaches. They can also be found in nests.

Helldivers player fighting a Hunter
Arrowhead Game Studios

How to Defeat Hunters in Helldivers 2

Unlike the Charger, which is an armored enemy, Hunters are vulnerable to all types of damage and do not have any specific weak points. This makes it possible to defeat them with any weapon in Helldivers 2, requiring only a few shots.

Nevertheless, it is important for players to exercise caution and avoid getting too close, as these arachnids are capable of jumping long distances to mercilessly attack their foes.

When engaging in any battle, it is crucial to make the Hunter hordes your main target, as they will gradually drain your health by continuously leaping at you while you are occupied with larger foes.

Best weapons and stratagems for hunting Hunters

As previously stated, Hunters are vulnerable to all types of weapons due to their inherent weakness. It takes very little time to eliminate them using a primary weapon such as a Breaker.

Despite their tendency to come in large numbers, we still advise utilizing explosives and rapid-firing weapons to defeat them before they overpower you in battle.

  • SG-225 Breaker shotgun
  • Guard Dog Rover stratagem
  • G-16 Impact grenade
  • M-105 Stalwart
  • LAS-16 Sickle
  • Flamethrower
helldivers 2 hunters dexerto

What are Hunters in Helldivers 2?

Hunters are highly nimble arachnids recognized for their capability to swiftly charge at players and then immobilize them with lethal strikes.

Despite not possessing the same size and destructive power as the Bile Titan and Charger, the Hunter has the ability to eliminate an entire squad if underestimated. This is evident in the fact that Helldivers 2 players voted the Hunter as one of the most despised enemies in the game.

These are the key things to know about Hunters in Helldivers 2. Additionally, you may want to learn about strategies for defeating Bile Titans, Devastators, and Bile Spewers.

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