How to Defeat Ranrok in Hogwarts Legacy

How to Defeat Ranrok in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy depicts the story of a young kid with extraordinary abilities. They will be needed to attend courses and conduct academics upon their arrival at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but the main idea of the game charges them with fighting Ranrok, a befuddlingly strong goblin who aims to declare war on wizardkind.

When players progress through the main tale of Hogwarts Legacy, they will ultimately face Ranrok during The Last Repository, the game’s fortieth main task. However, before they can meet Ranrok, they must first battle the trolls and goblins that are blocking their route. After defeating these enemies, the main fight against Ranrok begins.

What Should You Carry to the Fight Against Ranrok?

The Final Repository Main Quest in Hogwarts Legacy

The player will lose access to the outside world after going into the caves under Hogwarts during The Last Repository. This implies that anything they bring to the battle will be their only source of support until Ranrok is beaten, therefore they should make the finest preparations possible.

Potions and Equipment

Brewing Wiggenweld Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

The Last Repository is a lengthy adventure with several tough foes, thus the player should bring as many Wiggenweld Potions as the protagonist can carry.

Moreover, they should ensure that they only use the strongest gear they have collected on their journeys. If the player believes that their equipment is short in power, they should put a Loom in their Room of Need and utilize it to improve their gear.


confringo in hogwarts legacy

After making these preliminary preparations, the player should determine which spells they want to utilize in the combat. Certain spells must be cast in order to leave Ranrok exposed throughout the combat, therefore the player should tailor their spell set to include a yellow, red, and purple spell of their choice. Confringo and Diffindo are two of the most powerful damage-dealing spells in Hogwarts Legacy, hence both should be placed in the player’s primary spell slot.

If players have achieved any of the Spell Knowledge Talents from the Talents menu, they should modify each spell set to include distinct yellow, red, and purple spells, allowing for more frequent casts.

crucio in hogwarts legacy

The Unforgivable Curses will be less effective against Ranrok than they are elsewhere, although Crucio can still be used to gradually weaken Ranrok. Crucio’s damage output may not appear to be particularly effective at first glance, but it might make a significant impact if the player is failing to land blows.

After completing these requirements, the player should begin The Last Repository by conversing with Professor Fig in The Map Room.

How to Defeat the Ranrok Dragon

Ranrok Dragon in Hogwarts Legacy

After fighting the trolls and goblins that are impeding progress, the protagonist will be met by Ranrok. Nevertheless, before the combat can commence, Ranrok will turn into a dragon and fly away. As the cutscene concludes, the player will be lowered into a fight arena and forced to face Ranrok in his dragon form.

First Phase

Ranrok Dragon breathing fire in Hogwarts Legacy

Before the protagonist may battle Ranrok Dragon, he must first stop soaring about the arena. At this phase, he will hover over the arena’s edge, firing missiles at the protagonist. When Ranraok Dragon fires a fireball towards the protagonist, the player must prepare to evade or parry it. Ranrok Dragon will occasionally hurl an unblockable fireball. To avoid being hit by these fireballs, you must dodge them.

Apart from avoiding Ranrok Dragon’s fireballs, the player must also avoid being struck by his fire breath. Ranrok Dragon launches a jet of red magic towards the protagonist before covering the earth with crimson spikes. The only method to evade this assault is to dodge out of the path, but the player need also be careful not to tread on the red particles left behind by the strike.

Ranrok Dragon and a purple orb in Hogwarts Legacy

To expose Ranrok Dragon to assault, the player must destroy the colored orbs that arise throughout the combat. These orbs, like Pensieve Guardian orbs, may only be destroyed by casting a spell that matches the orb’s hue. When the orb is purple, the player must cast a purple spell; when it is yellow, a yellow spell must be performed; and when it is red, a red spell must be cast.

When an orb is destroyed, Ranrok Dragon’s health bar appears, allowing the player to do some damage. Confringo and Diffindo should subsequently be used as frequently as possible to diminish Ranrok Dragon’s health, although the player could also consider using Crucio on occasion if they want to finish the phase faster.

If Ranrok Dragon becomes invulnerable again, the player must destroy another orb in order to leave him vulnerable. After losing a quarter of his health, the player can go along the northern road to begin the second phase.

Second Phase

Finding a Wiggenweld Potion in Hogwarts Legacy

Ranrok Dragon will continue to fire projectiles at the protagonist while heading to the next arena. This can make exploring the region tough, but happily, there isn’t much to find here, other than a Wiggenweld Potion beside the golden orb on the left-hand side of the route.

As Ranrok enters the next arena, he will start executing a new move in which he will blanket the space around him in a red orb-like wall. To escape being hit by this assault, the player should run in the other direction before it bursts. If the Swift Talent has been unlocked, the protagonist can teleport out of the explosion radius with considerable ease by holding the dodge button.

Ranrok Dragon and a purple orb and a red orb in Hogwarts Legacy

In addition, the player must now destroy two colored orbs in order to make Ranrok Dragon vulnerable. As long as numerous colored spells are assigned to each spell slot, shattering these spheres shouldn’t be too difficult. Nevertheless, in order to lock on to the orbs, the protagonist will need to approach rather near to them, leaving them exposed to Ranrok Dragon’s new blast attack.

Other from these distinctions, Ranrok Dragon’s second phase operates identically to the first, requiring players to simply repeat their prior strategy and drain another quarter of the foe’s health. After this is completed, a route heading further into the abyss will appear in the arena’s eastern corner.

Third Phase

Ranrok Dragon and a red orb in Hogwarts Legacy

When the player descends into the lowest portion of this location, they will find themselves in a massive arena, where they will have to battle Ranrok Dragon one last time. Like in previous stages, the player must destroy orbs to make Ranrok Dragon vulnerable, but this time they must destroy three orbs every turn.

This phase of the battle is similar to the second, although it will alter once Ranrok Dragon’s last health bar approaches the halfway mark.

Ranrok Dragon and a yellow orb in Hogwarts Legacy

Ranrok Dragon will then fly to the center of the arena and land. Four colored orbs must be destroyed to make Ranrok Dragon vulnerable, although getting to them may be tough owing to Ranrok Dragon’s position in the arena. In order to access some of the orbs that emerge, the player must circle around Ranrok Dragon while dodging his strikes.

At this phase, Ranrok Dragon will continue to utilize all of his previous techniques, but he will additionally lunge at the protagonist on occasion in an effort to bite them. Nevertheless, he will frequently swipe his wing at the protagonist if they approach too close, so keep a safe distance whenever feasible.

Fighting Ranrok Dragon in Hogwarts Legacy

These maneuvers are only dangerous when Ranrok Dragon is susceptible; otherwise, he will remain fairly motionless in the center of the arena. Nonetheless, the player should move around as much as possible because some of Ranrok Dragon’s maneuvers are much more difficult to predict now that he occupies so much of the screen. The Swift Talent may be quite useful in this situation, especially when Ranrok Dragon is running toward the protagonist from afar.

Gamers should also make use of the unblockable missiles hurled at the protagonist by Ranrok Dragon, since these may be thrown back at him to cause substantial damage.

Ranrok Dragon and a purple orb in Hogwarts Legacy

Once Ranrok Dragon’s health has been drained, the player must destroy three colored orbs to end the battle. These orbs only stay in the air for a brief period of time, thus the player must time their spells correctly to avoid being hit by one of Ranrok Dragon’s various attacks.

The battle will conclude after all three orbs have been destroyed, and the player will have vanquished Ranrok once and for all.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. PS4 and Xbox One versions will release on April 4, and a Switch version will release on July 25.

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