How to Downpatch Risk of Rain 2 to Pre-Seekers of the Storm State

Despite its introduction of new characters that many fans find enjoyable, the latest major expansion for Risk of Rain 2, Seekers of the Storm, has been met with criticism due to the numerous bugs it introduced. These bugs were not present in the game before the expansion, making it difficult for players to fully appreciate the game’s excellent rogue-lite experience. If you wish to revert Risk of Rain 2 back to its state before the release of Seekers of the Storm, you can follow these steps.

How to Downpatch Risk of Rain 2 to Pre-Seekers of the Storm State

The term “downpatching”refers to the process of downloading an older version of a game through Steam and playing it instead of the current version. This is a safe method and has been shared by a moderator on the official Risk of Rain 2 discord.

  • Make sure Steam is running and Risk of Rain 2 isn’t
  • To access the website, open a browser and manually enter the following URL into the address bar:


  • After clicking on it, Steam will open. Accept the prompt, and you will notice that a CONSOLE tab has appeared next to your username, along with a text box at the bottom.
Screenshot by Prima Games
  • In the text box, enter the following command and press Enter

download_depot 632360 632361 9058106608706845920

Screenshot by Prima Games
  • Initiating a download in the Steam console will not display a download progress indicator.
Screenshot by Prima Games
  • Have patience, and you will receive a “Depot download complete”message once it is finished.
Screenshot by Prima Games
  • Next, go to the location where Steam is installed and browse through the following folders. For the majority of users, it can be found in the C drive at the following path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_632360\depot_632361

Following this, there are two options available. You can either keep the older version as a separate installation from the newer one or completely replace the newer version.

Older Version

  • In the depot_632361 folder, generate a text file named steam_appid.txt.
  • Open it, and type 632360.
  • This will effectively disable Steam integration, and the platform will no longer verify if it is being launched through it.
  • Save and exit the file.
Screenshot by Prima Games
  • Generate a quick link for the executable (Risk of Rain 2.exe) within the depot_632361 folder and utilize it to start the game instead.

Please be aware that this may affect Steam integration and could potentially cause it to malfunction.

Replace Newer Version

In the same way, you have the option to substitute the present edition (Seekers of the Storm) with the previous one. Simply copy the material from the depot_632361 folder and insert it into the location where Risk of Rain 2 is currently installed.

\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2

  • When prompted, substitute the files and Risk of Rain 2 will be downpatched.

Regardless of the method chosen, players will have access to the Devotion update that was released prior to Seekers of the Storm. A screenshot of the survivor select screen without any content from the expansion can be seen below.

Screenshot by Prima Games

Due to this, it is clear that you will not have the opportunity to play with additional survivors such as Chef, Seeker, or the False Son. Additionally, none of the stages or items from the expansion will be accessible.

Special thanks to Discord member Leviathan and Redditor SuperSupermario24 for providing detailed instructions on how to accomplish this.

Revert to the Latest Version

To return to the most recent version, verify the game files in Steam and all new content will be automatically added.

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