How to Grind Fodder for EA FC 24 TOTS Promo

How to Grind Fodder for EA FC 24 TOTS Promo

As the EA FC 24 TOTS promo is set to launch soon, fodder will become a crucial aspect for all players. These items will greatly influence your ability to improve your squads during upcoming events, and there are specific methods to obtain more of them beforehand. Here is a guide on how to efficiently grind for fodder in EA FC 24.

Understanding Fodder in EA FC 24

Fodder cards are a group of cards that are ineligible for direct use in your teams. Typically, they are not strong enough to earn a place on your squad and their untradeable status prevents them from being sold.

There are alternative methods to enhance a team’s lineup without participating in SBCs, which is especially crucial for players who do not engage in microtransactions. Therefore, it is essential for these individuals to gather fodder before the start of the EA FC 24 TOTS Promo.

Tips for Maximizing Fodder in the EA FC 24 TOTS Promo

Despite the potential benefits for those who invest money, Ultimate Team can still be successful with careful planning and earning resources through gameplay. Here are some essential tasks to focus on in the coming weeks.

  • Be sure to utilize all Bronze and Silver upgrades by using them in any SBC that awards Gold players, as these cards have no other purpose. Complete all upgrades for these tiers to maximize their value.
  • Complete every objective: At any given time, there are plenty of different objectives that can be completed. Many objectives reward different packs upon completion, so make sure to finish all of them without failure.
  • Hit the weekly targets: In EA FC 24, all game modes have a system of weekly rewards. Make sure to hit those targets to increase your weekly rewards. The rewards also include coins that can allow you to buy more fodder from the market.
  • Recycle, don’t waste: Many players just discard lower-rated cards, but that’s the wrong practice. While it can take a lot more effort, it’s always better to use these items in Upgrade SBCs. That way, you don’t have to waste any of your cards and get more packs/picks in return.
  • Complete all fodder SBCs: Not every SBC offers a special card, but they often offer different packs. The cost of completing these challenges is minimal. Moreover, some of these SBCs like Crafting Upgrade challenges have their own objectives which reward you with more packs.
  • Patience: Lastly, it’s best to avoid all SBCs coming out currently unless the EA FC 24 TOTS Promo begins. TOTS cards are expected to have triple Playstyle+, which will completely change the meta. Hence, it’s best to avoid SBCs unless there’s one with an incredible value.

The release date for EA FC 24 TOTS Promo has not been announced yet, but it will be soon. This is a great opportunity for players to begin building up their accounts with the necessary resources.

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